Yautja in Mirkwood (Ch.1)

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Common tounge/ English

(Male Yautja heights: 6'-6'9" is a short male Yautja. 6'10"-9'6" is an average height male Yautja. 9'7"-10' is tall for a male Yautja. 10'1"-12' is very tall for a male Yautja.
Female Yautja heights: 5'9"-6'6" is short for a female Yautja. 6'7"-8'7" is average height for female Yautja. 8'8"-9'5" is tall for a female Yautja. 9'6"-11' is very tall for a female Yautja.
Dto is exactly 7' tall. Guan is 5'6" tall. She is shorter than the shortest female Yautja by three inches. But she is about up to Legolas' shoulders.)


Guan p.o.v.

We were hunting Kainde Amedha (A/N: If you don't know. That's how the Yautja say Xenomorphs in their language.) when a flash of light blinds us. When we can see again we aren't on Privva (A/N: A planet, that I made up, that is practically filled with Xenos.) We were in a strange dark forest. I heard clicking noises, but they weren't Yautja clicking noises. I turned just in time to stop a giant....what oomans call....spider from biting my mei'hswei (A/N: Brother if you didn't know.) he nodded to me in gratitude. I nodded back.

We stabbed and punched and kicked at the spiders. And, just to get the farther away ones, I threw my discs at them severing their heads. When my discs got stuck in the trees I switched to my plasma caster. I didn't want to use all the energy stored up for the Plasma caster, so I used it sparingly.

After twenty minutes of fighting, Dto and I are back to back using our wristblades and gauntlets to kill the spiders. When I think we are going to be overrun, a bunch of.....what looks like.....oomans jump out of the trees and start shooting.......arrows at the spiders. Now I know that we aren't on the ooman homeworld. My mother never said anything about giant spiders or oomans who look like that.

My mei'hswei and I watched the creatures/oomans take out the rest of the spiders. When the rest of them are either dead or gone the oomans point their attention, and arrows, to us.

"Do you speak common tounge?" One of them asks. I had watched him fight. He's strong, honorable, quick....Stop it! Not a good idea.

"I can." I said. My voice feminine but also animalistic.

"Would you remove your mask?" He asked. I had to force myself not to purr.

"Yes. But my mei'hswei cannot." I said.

"Your what?" He asked.

"My brother." I clarified. My brother was about one to two feet taller than all the "oomen" here. "Before I take my mask off I must know something......"

"And what is that?" He asked.

"What are you?" I asked as kindly in tone as possible.

"I am an Elf." He said.

Quickly I looked up 'Elf' in the species data every Yautja had on their masks....nothing showed up. Which means none of our kind had hunted an 'Elf' before. They look formidable. I then removed the air-tubes from my mask creating a hissing noise from the escaping air.

When I removed my mask the 'Elves' all had shocked looks on their faces.

"I don't look that bad....do I brother?" I asked my brother in Yautja.

"H'ko." My brother denied. "You are beautiful, Mei'jadhi."

"Thank you mei'hswei." I thanked him.

The one who spoke recovered first. "I'm sorry. I did not expect you to look so.........."

"Ugly, disgusting, horrible?" I supplied for him. These are all things I had heard from male Yautja on Yautja Prime. Everyone except for my four brothers, My mother, and my father thought my mother and I as ugly creatures.....even though I looked more Yautja than my mother.

"No." He said. My head snapped up to look at him. "You look beautiful." He breathed.

"Told you so." Dto said, bumping me.

"Shut up." I said pushing/shaking his shoulder teasingly.

"Why can't he remove his mask?" The Elf asked.

"It's against our culture for him to remove the mask unless relaxing, in his room, or fighting in a fair fight with someone honorable." I said.

"How so?" He asked.

"It is showing respect to fight face to face rather than Prey to Mask." I said.

"Prey?" He asked.

"Our species are hunters. Speaking of which." I let one of the two blades on my right wrist gauntlet out. Then I lifted the head of one of the dead spiders at my feet. I cut it's head off and had my mei'hswei help me tie it to my back.

When I looked up all of the 'Elves' gave us strange looks. "Trophies." I said.

"I need to take you to my father." The one Elf said.

"Your father?" I asked.

"The king." He said.

"Like an elder?" I asked.

"I guess." He replied.

My brother and I followed the fair haired Elf.

"What is your name?" I asked.

"Legolas. What is yours?" He asked.

"Guan." I said.

"What does that mean?" He questioned.

"Night." I answered.

"Your brother's name?" He asked.

"Dto." I said.

"What does that mean?" He inquired.

"Jungle. As his skin looks like it could camouflage on its own in a jungle." I replied.

He nodded and continued to lead us to his father.

Unconsciously I started to purr while staring at him. My brother lightly bumped me in a joking matter, as he heard my purring. I slapped his chest as he chuckled.

926 word count

Ok. Do you like it? Please tell me what you think of my crossover! Please!

(Edited: May 3, 2017)

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