Meeting the Elven King (Ch.2)

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Guan p.o.v.

We walked along branches high above a river. I had my mask on again as the air here was polluted and not as clean as Yautja Prime air. These trees were huge very good for spotting prey but not being spotted by prey........ even without camouflage. Legolas led us through the huge 'kingdom' until we came up to two huge doors. I assume his father is behind that door. The doors opened and a single throne sat upon a pedestal in the middle of the room. Armed guards stood at the doors and along the walls.

We stopped about ten feet from the throne. We waited and an Elf taller than Legolas.....about 6' tall....walked in the room with branches on his head. I stared at it wondering if he had just been running through trees and got twigs stuck in his tresses. Then after thinking that for a few minutes I realized, as the taller Elf sat down, that it was what my mother described as a 'crown' signify that he was a leader.

"What are you doing here in my kingdom?" He asked. His voice was as cold and sharp as the color of his dekna(eyes) and as dark as the embrace of the Black Warrior.

Before I could answer he said, "I'm talking to you." He was staring at my brother.

"I do not speak your language Zazin S'yuit-de." My brother said in the kindest tone he posessed which sounded a tiny bit threatening with his deep animalistic voice, and I wanted to smack him with his disrespectful words even though his tone suggested he said something nice. (Zazin= Self-centered or Pompous/ S'yuit-de= Bastard or Son of a Bitch). I kept calm and remained still if he believed his words to be kind ones instead of insulting we could maybe be safe.

His big 'eyebrows', as my mother called them, raised in a curious manner.

"Father." Legolas said.

"My son?" Was his reply.

"The male one does not speak in common tounge but the woman does." Legolas said.

The kings cold gaze landed on me. "What are you doing here in my kingdom?" He directed the question to me this time.

"We do not know. We were hunting Kainde amedha on a hunting reserve when there was a huge flash of light and then we are in this forest surrounded by giant spiders." I replied honestly. Dishonesty is not honorable.

He was silent a few moments. "Would you remove your mask?" Was he asking or telling me? I removed the air tubes anyway. A hissing sound escaped the mask as the pure air was released. I then removed my mask. His cold dekna widened in shock and didn't look so cold anymore.

"What are you?" He asked.

"Yautja." I said.

"What?" He asked again.

"A Hunter." I replied. "We are known for being the perfect hunters and the Kainde amedha are the perfect prey. We won't hunt anything that can't defend itself because there's no honor in it."

"No sport." My brother said.

I nodded. "No sport."

The kings denka traveled to the spider head on my back. And his eyebrows scrunched in confusion. "They take trophies father."

"Why?" The king asked.

"To bring honor to our clan. The more trophies collected the more honor given to the clan." I said. "My father-" I stopped myself. His honor had been called into question when he chose my mother as a mate.

"Your father....." The king prompted.

"My father used to be one of the most respected in our clan, for he had the most trophies and brung the most honor." I said.

"What happened to him?" He asked.

"He fell in love with my mother. Her kind are considered one of the most favorable prey to hunt. I am a halfbreed. My mother and I are considered ugly and horrendous to look at by everyone but my father and my brothers. Because he fell for my mother his honor was challenged, he won the challenge which is why I am alive in the first place. If he had not won my mother would've been killed and my father exiled after beatings and all my brothers would have to choose to either save their honor by being apart of the beatings or follow our Father into exile." Dto could tell that I was upset by the words I spoke. He bumped my shoulder with his forearm.

I looked to him as he said, "Remember. Don't let your past control you or change how you see yourself. You are beautiful mei'jadhi, do not make yourself believe otherwise."

"Thank you Dto." I said he just nodded.

"Who do you look more like? Your mother or your father?" Legolas asked.

"My mother....although in body I look more like my father in face I am like my mother." I said.

"I noticed you don't refer to your mother as both of your mother's. Why is that?" The king asked.

"Before our father met my mother he was like any Yautja. Which means multiple I have over, uh, fifty siblings including Dto all of us with different mothers although some of my siblings are twins or triplets or more." I said.

"How?" He asked.

"The average female Yautja can have up to five pups without complication." I said.

"Pups?" Legolas asks.

"I believe your word for it is....babies." I answered.

We ended up being allowed to stay after more questions on our people, our life style, and our culture. Then I explained that the air here wasn't like that of the air in our home and would most likely kill us after about a week to a month depending on how long we didn't have our masks.

Now to find a way home. And to learn more about Elves.

978 word count.

Yay! Another Chapter! Woo-hoo!

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