Elf Princes Attention (Ch.3)

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Legolas p.o.v.

I watched Night as she trained with her brother. They base their fighting style on brute strength for close combat, but when they do farther combat they use things like a disc that returns to their hand as well as a spear-like object. Night told me they had a more effective way if dealing with farther combat but preferred to not use that method extensively. That method....like all of their farther methods were unpredictable and deadly.

"Why do you stare?" I heard my father.

"I am observing their fighting techniques." I replied.

He nodded and walked away.

~Time jump (three weeks)~

Jungle was alseep and Night was walking around. "Hello." I said.

"It is extremely hard to sneak up on a Yautja." she said turning to me. "I am impressed." I felt pride swell through me at her words....I learned a week ago that it is very hard to impress her.

The whole time she had been here she never once asked where my mother was. "You have noticed my mother is not here." I stated.

She nodded.

"And yet you do not ask why." I said. "Why is that?" I asked.

"It is none of my business. If you wanted to tell me you would." She answered.

"You are not curious?" I asked.

"I am very curious. But as I said it is not my business." She answered.

"My mother died fighting." I said.

"An honourable death." she said then said something in her home language before placing a closed fist on her heart then touching the mark on her face with her pointer and middle fingers then with the same two fingers placed them on her lips.

"What was that?" I asked.

"A way my people respect dead warriors who died honorably but we cannot retrieve their bodies." She said.

I nodded then asked, "How old does your fathers people live to be?"

"The ancients are the oldest of us and many of them are 14,000 years old and counting." She said, "We only live that long if we are good in battle and defense."

I nodded again then asked, "How do your people show affection?"

She had a look of deep concentration on her face. I let her gather her thoughts. "My mother's people hug one another to show affection. My fathers people.......they do not have a display of affection. Unless you count a pat on the back a display of affection."

"Ah." I said.

She looked up to the sky and whispered in her language then closed her eyes. I was just about to ask her something when I heard the tell-tale sign of her brother's footsteps.

Guan p.o.v.

I heard my brothers footsteps meaning he wanted me to know he was coming as he could be quieter than a mouse if he wanted to.

I opened my eyes to see my brother stare at Legolas.

"Looks like you caught the Elf Princes' Attention." He teased.

I gave him a look and shook my head. "Leave him be mei'hswei."

"Nah, it's more fun this way."

"Your acting like a pup."

"I'm acting like a pup?"

"Yes, your acting like a pup."

"Fine, fine. I'll leave the scrawny Elf Prince be."

"If only to protect your ego mei'hswei."

"Fine. I'll leave you alone mei'jadhi."

I waved him goodbye as he walked away to explore the giant natural castle.

"Can I show you something?" Legolas asked.

"Yea." I replied.

"Follow me." He said as he grabbed my hand.

And away we went to see this thing he wanted me to see.

(Word count: 602)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2016 ⏰

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