Chapter 3

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Trey and Kellin left, leaving me alone with Justin. Wow what do I do? Whoa Jade calm down. Does he feel the same about me? Wait what am I thinking? I just met him! Oh my god Jade stop!

"So, would you like to do something with me? Like maybe we could go walk around, or see a movie, oh my god I could take you to the lake!" He said with gleaming eyes.

"Lake? Ok I'll go, then maybe we can grab something to eat, unless you don't want to." I say, trying to not sound very pushy.

"Yes oh my god! Lets go, if you want to." He said, god he was cute.

"Let's go!" I said grabbing his hand. Wow I'm touching an insanely attractive guy, that's in a band.

Justin opened the car door for me and started driving. We were sitting in the car talking the entire time.

"Oh my god no way! She actually did that?!" I say tapping his arm. We have been talking about our ex's.

"She actually tried taking my cat!! She was crazy!" He said in between laughing.

"Oh my god that's crazy! My last boyfriend got mad at me because I wasn't paying attention to him, but in all actuality every time I tried talking to him he was either 'too busy' or 'with his friends'. I found out he was cheating on me a week later." I say, wow that story is really disappointing.

"Who in the actual fuck would cheat on a girl as amazing as you? I mean you're nice and sweet, and oh wow we are here." He said as he stopped the car.

Wow it was beautiful! It really was. There was a giant lake, with crystal blue waters.

"Don't know about you but I'm swimming." He said with a smile on his face.

"I don't have a swim suit though." I reply a frown starting to form on my face.

"Neither do I to be honest, but hey boxers work too right?" He said unzipping his pants. Oh god, if I do this he'll end up seeing all of my scars and never want to talk to me again.

"Hey Justin?" I say looking at my feet.

"Yeah? Is everything ok?" He asked as sweet as ever.

"Well yes, but if I have scars you'll still talk to me right?" I said. Damn that sounded cheesy... It's fine he won't make fun of me, or will he.

"Of course not! Everything about you is perfect, scars show that you made it through things that other people didn't, and I personally find that kind of attractive." He said with a smile on his face.

"Thanks Justin, cuz I'm swimming with you." I said while he was taking off his pants.

"YAY!" He yelled after getting them off. I took off my shirt, oh god what if he thinks I'm ugly? Whoa calm down. I unzipped my pants and got them off without breaking anything. I threw off my beanie and ran to the dock on the lake. I bent over just a bit and looked down in the beautiful water. It wasn't that deep so there is no way I'm gonna drown so that's good.

"Boo!" Justin yelled causing me to fall in.

"Justin you're going to pay for that!" I yell after popping my head out of the water.

"Oh really?" He said with a devious smile on his face.

"Justin, what are you doing?" I said slowly. I was to late, he jumped into the lake and grabbed me.

"Justin you're a dick!" I yell trying to break free, but I couldn't because I was laughing too hard.

"Hey now that's not nice!" He said making me laugh harder.

"I can't, I c-cant!" I yell trying to catch my breath. "I can't breathe!" I finally managed to say.

"You know, it's adorable when you laugh like a maniac." He said laughing

"Oh so I laugh like a maniac?" I said. Oh wait am I still in his arms? Damn he's strong.

"So uh, what are we doing after this?" He asked, still holding me.

"Each other...." I said trying to keep a straight face.

"What?" He said looking at me really confused.

"You are a dork! I was kidding silly!" I said tapping his chest.

He carried me to the dock and set me down on it. I think I'm falling for the real Justin, not just the band Justin. He's so different.

That one concert. Justin Hills fanficWhere stories live. Discover now