Shopping with super-stars?

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We were stuck in traffic so we decided to supply the highway with good music. I mean, blasting Memphis may fire is good for the soul right? Eh, doesn't matter now. As people were passing we got negative and positive reactions, some dude flipped us off so I yelled at him. A ton of other people seemed to enjoy it so that was a plus.

"Treeeey I wanna go home." I said leaning back in my seat.

"So do I but the stupid ducking traffic doesn't agree!" She said hitting the steering wheel.

"It's alright Trey it'll be done soon." I said patting her back. She sighed and leaned back in her seat.

I have Matty Mullins' phone number! I am going to text him.

Hi Matty! It's Jade

Hi Jade! I can't talk now but I'll call you when I can. ~Matty

Wow nothing to do. Trey and I were sitting there bored out of our minds when the traffic finally started moving.

"Halejhujhu!" Trey yelled in a southern accent.

"Um Trey that's not how you say it." I said laughing.

"I don't care it's more entertaining that way." She said laughing as well.

It took us 15 minutes to get to my house and for some reason I was really effing nauseous.

"Bye Trey I love you!" I yelled as I got out of her car.

"I love you too babes call me later!" She yelled back as she drove away.

I walked up to my door and unlocked it. I walked into my house and plopped on the couch. I must have moved too quickly because I was about to puke. I got up and ran to my bathroom, then puked all over my toilet. I wales to my sink and rinsed out my mouth. I'm not sure what's wrong with me today, maybe it's just a stomach flu or something like that. I walked to my room and laid down on my bed.

I'm so tired. I stretched a bit and leaned over to my side. I closed my eyes and smiled a bit.

Not even a minute later my phone was going off.

"Seriously!" I said to myself as I got up. I ran over to the couch in my living room, because that's where my phone was. I answered it and was instantly happy.

"Hello?" I said quickly.

"Hey Jade it's Matty! Wanna go shopping?" He said with excitement.

"Yeah! That would be great." I said smiling.

"Okay I'm picking you up, and just so you know we might have a few tag alongs." He said, still sounding pretty happy.

I gave him my address and he said he'd be at my house soon. I brushed my hair and straightened it as fast as possible. I changed my clothes too. I was wearing some black skinny jeans and I put on a Memphis may fire shirt, it just seemed right. I hope I don't puke while I'm out with some super stars, that would be shitty. I sat down on my couch and closed my eyes.

I heard a knock on the door so I straightened up.

"Coming!" I yelled walking towards my door. I opened it and smiled. Matty smiled too, then hugged me. While we were hugging I noticed a very adorable person standing behind Matty with flowers. We let go of each other and Matty was smiling like a crazy person. He brought Justin. I smiled and ran to hug him. We hugged and he handed me the flowers.

"Nice shirt." He said pointing at my shirt.

"Oh why thank you." I said laughing.

"Do you have a friend you'd like to take with us?" Matty asked me.

"Yeah! We should go pick up Trey." I said smiling. She would probably die if she saw Matty Mullins in her driveway.

"Okay! Lets go get her." He said walking to his car. When Matty got in his car Justin basically made out with me.

"Gross!" I heard Matty yell. Justin laughed and grabbed my hand. I got in the back seat and Justin sat in the front so Trey could sit next to me.

We were right outside of her house so I texted her saying she needs to come outside.

It took awhile but I finally saw her get out of her house and locked the door. She turned around and looked really confused for a second but then she freaked out. She dropped her keys and put her hands over her mouth.

"Oh my god!" She said with a huge smile on her face. Matty waved at her and that caused her to squeal. She grabbed her keys and ran to the car. She got in next to me and had a very happy look on her face.

"Hi." Was all she was able to get out.

"Hi! I'm Matty and you must be Trey." Matty said making Trey's smile wider.

"Yep!" Was all she made out. She looked at me and her mouth was open in a smile. I laughed and she did too.

I'm positive shopping is going to be fun.

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