The sight of him

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I sat there in the bookstore looking at all of the books they had, I usually stay at my house and watch movies but this was nice. I knelt down to pick up a book and someone tripped over me. I turned quickly and felt bad instantly.

"Oh my god I am so, so, so sorry!" I said grabbing the persons hand. It was a guy, he had brown short hair, skinny jeans and a skull and crossbones tattoo behind his ear, really attractive but I have Justin.

"It's okay, it was my fault." He said laughing. Okay good, he doesn't hate me.

"I'm Jade." I said sticking my hand out, he quickly took it and smiled.

"I'm Alex, and you have a beautiful name." He said making me blush. He smiled at me. Wow he's really nice.

"Yo Alex! I have my book so we can leave." I heard some other guy say. He turned the corner and smiled.

"So lex are you cheating on me now?" He said laughing. Alex smiled.

"Jack I would never do that." He said hugging him. They were both really tall and I think they are a couple, no lies that is adorable.

"Hi I'm Jade." I said waving. The guy who I assumed was Jack smiled.

"I'm Jack." He said still smiling. My phone rang so I quickly answered it.

"Hello?" I said happily.

"Hey babe, I have a surprise for you." Justin said from the other end of the line.

"Oh really?" I said laughing.

"Where are you?" He asked politely.

"The bookstore with some of my friends." I said looking at Jack and Alex then they smiled.

"Oh who?" He asked politely again.

"Jack and Alex, they're really nice."

"Jack and Alex? Tall, and Jack has blonde and brown skunk hair?" Justin said laughing.

"Yeah? How did you know that?" I said with a confused look on my face.

"Ah, there my buds! Can you tell them Justin frown sleeping with sirens says hi?" He said and I did. I put my hand over the mic of the phone and smiled.

"Justin from sleeping with sirens says hi." I said smiling.

"You're on the phone with my lovely Justin hills?!" Alex said laughing.

"Yeah, Justin and I are dating." I said smiling.

"That's why you looked familiar you're that girl with Justin in his bunk!" Jack said laughing. I nodded and went back to talking with Justin.

"Hey be home in an hour okay? I have to go talk to you later." He said and I could tell he was smiling, his smile is perfect.

"Okay, I love you."

"I love you more." He said laughing.

"I know." I said hanging up, now I'm longing the sight of him.

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