Damn Bell

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Can't be friends~Trey songz{fav song atm😕❤}

"Let me help you" i say serious. Serious as i've ever been. She looks shocked and doesnt say anything for awhile. We sit in silence.

She turns around and lays her back on the tree. I do the same and she lays her head on my shoulder.

I really do want to help her. I know what its like, well i dont exactly know from expierence but i know people who do. And i hate that she feels this way.

Then i wonder what could make her feel that way. Maybe shes been bullied, or maybe her parents yell at her at home, or maybe its a guy.

I feel hot from anger to think what if its a guy. I grab her hand that was placed on her lap. I grab it and squeeze it tight and look at her.

I kiss her head and smile. She smiles too. And i notice. This was the first she ever genuienly smiled. With me atleast. Im so stupid how could i not realize all the other times she was faking a smile. Maybe because it seemed so natural.

But now she smiled shyly blushing a bit. She seemed happy. And i loved it. I wanted to cherish every moment of it but that Damn bell

*school bell sound* *school bell sound* *school bell sound*

Thats the last bell of the day meaning its the end of the day. We get up our hands intertwined. And we walk to the parking lot.

We get to the parking lot and as shes about to go towards her car i pull her and redirect her to my bike.

"What the.." she says and looks at my prized possesion. "Nope nope nope nope nope" she says backing away. "Come on its not that bad, it will be fun" i say.

"I dont want to die, well i mean i do but not like this." She says the last part quietly. I glare at her and flick her on the head. "Im kidding" she says but i dont believe her.

After 20minutes of convincing she finally gets on. I hand her my helmet. And she struggles to put it on. " here let me help you" i say and put it on her.

She puts her hand to her chin and puts it back down out to me. I give her a questioning look. She raises up the visor. "Thankyou in sign language" she says.

I make a 'o' with my mouth. "You ready?" i say. Before i take off i put her arms around my waist. I take off full speed, which i probably shouldnt be doing but who cares.

I can here her screaming. She squeezes tighter around me whenever i make a turn. She lays her head on my back finally calming down.

We reach my place and i help her off. She takes off the helmet and i burst out laughing. "What?" She says looking behind her.

I point to her hair. "Ughh helmet head." She says in frustration. I continue to laugh and she looks irritated so i stop. I clear my throat.

"Hey how did you know where i live?" She says and looks at the big yellow house. "What? You live there" i say and point to the house.

"Yeah, why else would you have brought me here?" she says and looks at me. Her curls flow in the wind and i get distracted. "I live there" i point to the big blue house on the left of her house.

"No way, i've never seen you there" she says and looks at me.  "I usually stay at Ashtons." I say "ohhh"she says

Its silent for awhile and as i was about to talk a man in his mind 30'scame out "Ava! Come in dinners ready" he says. Im guessing he is Ava's dad.

I look at him and smile "hello sir" i say. "Hello" he says. He looks at Ava "hurry up" he says in a stern way. And walks back in the house.

She turns away. "Coming" she says but her voice is shaky I look at her and see alot of pain in her eyes. I walk towards her and kiss her on the cheek. "See ya later neighbor." I say and get back on my bike and ride off.

Haven't updated in for ever😩. Sorry my fault, couldnt think of anything. I thought of everything as i was writing it. Anywaysss was that a fuckboi move at the end? Idkkk but hope you enjoyyy. Hmu with ideas😋.

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