The Hufflepuff Common Room

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"First years! This way!" our head prefect called. The mass of First Year Hufflepuff children, including me, followed him to our common room.

The Hufflepuff common room was located in the Hogwarts basement, so once we had reached the entrance all we needed was the password. "Now First Years, how we open the common room is simple!" said our head boy as he bent over and tapped the barrel in the middle of the second row, in the rhythm of 'Helga Hufflepuff'. He stepped back as the cozy little entrance in the kitchen opened, revealing a passage way that we had to crawl through to reach the common room.

I crawled through the passage with the other students, until it opened out into the common room itself. I glanced around at the wood and copper and all the circular items in the room. Another thing I noticed was all the plants placed around. Hufflepuff students are normally good at Herbology, considering our head of house is a Herbology professor. I walked over to the small fire place and stood next to a boy who seemed to also have taken interest in the fireplace and other decorations too.

"Hi." I said, standing next to him. He smiled at me and then looked down at the warm fire. I cleared my throat. "I'm Mia." I said. He looked up at me and replied with "Hey. My name is Charlie."

"Nice to meet you, Charlie." I said but I was interrupted by an oink noise coming from my feet. I looked down to see a cat. But it kept saying oink... "Hi there. Who do you belong to?" I said picking up the oinking cat. A boy with long hair ran towards us. "Sorry, sorry. He's mine. His name is Pig. My name is Tom. Welcome to Hogwarts!" said Tom. Charlie and I looked at him. I handed his cat back and sat down on one of the chairs near the fireplace. "My name is Mia." I said to Tom. "I'm Charlie." Said Charlie. Tom began to tell us all the wonderful things about Hogwarts and how we are going to love it here.

"So, Tom. How did you get your cat to oink?" asked Charlie as he stroked Pig's head. "It's simple really. Magic!" said Tom, enthusiastically. We all laughed.

When it was time for bed we were shown how to get to the dormitories. A circular door opened to a tunnel, leading to the girl's dormitory. One we got to our dormitory it was amazing. Plants and sunshine surrounded the 4 beds in the room. I ran to the bed where my trunk, cat, and new Hufflepuff uniform items, had been placed. I lay on the bed and started at the ceiling. I could not believe the day I just had.

I put on my pyjamas and stroked my cat, Sammy, until he fell asleep, curled up behind my legs. I shut my eyes and hoped that another great day will come.

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