First Game of the Season/Butterbeer in Hogsmede

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"Thanks for reminding me or I would never had made it on time! I'm just so happy for Tasi and Allysha and now I'm gonna use all my excitement on the field to beat Gryffindor's butt!" I said as Haydyn and I ran to the Quidditch pitch.

We finally got there and my Slytherin and Ravenclaw friends went to sit in the stands. I joined Tom and Charlie and grabbed my broom. Tom gave the team a pep talk and we began to head out. Just as we were, Annisa ran past and snuck out of the team tent. I thought she was supposed to be in the stands watching the game...

As we stepped out, there was thunderous applause for both teams. We mounted our brooms and took our positions. Charlie was team seeker and Tom was a beater for our team. I looked over at the Gryffindors. Tasi was a chaser, like me, and Georgia was a beater.

Madam Hooch threw up the quaffle and the game began.

I rode to the quaffle to try and get there before Tasi but I was too late. He got the ball and headed for the goals. I watched as he scored a goal, 50 points for Gryffindor. I can imagine Allysha's reaction right now. I laughed to myself and almost forgot I was playing a game and there were points I needed to catch up points for my team.

By the end of the game I was puffed and we were losing 200 – 300. If Charlie catches the snitch, we would win, 350 – 300. Oh goodness, where is Charlie? Dodging a bludger, I frantically looked for him. Finally I saw him sitting on his broom, up high, searching.

Then I saw it. I saw him see it. So did the Gryffindor seeker. He began to follow Charlie and go for it. "Tom! Hit him!" I called out. Tom smashed a bludger towards the Gryffindor seeker. The seeker dodged and gave Charlie just enough time to grab the snitch and win the game!

"HUFFLEPUFF WIN 350 – 300!"

After the hype of the game, we headed back to the Great Hall and McGonagall silenced the room.

"Students, another horrible prank has occurred. During the game today, some student has painted on the wall, 'The Chamber of Secrets has been opened. Enemies of the heir beware'." That's just how it was in Harry Potter's second year. I wonder if this is the same person who did the Dementor prank...

The next day, people were in love with Allysha and Tasi's relationship, just as much as they were in love with each other. "Guess who asked me to the ball?" said Allysha. Everyone knew it was Tasi. Sean looked a bit anxious that one couple had been formed. "Is everything okay Sean?" Haydyn asked, nudging him. Sean looked awkwardly at Georgia and then back to Haydyn and then at Amasia and Lucinda, who had just started kissing in front of him. Haydyn pat Sean's shoulder. "You'll get there buddy." Tom leaned over to Sean. "Maybe you just need a bit of help... Today we are going to Hogsmede, go to the Weasley shop and buy some love potion." Sean's eyes lit up. Tom nodded. "Very effective. Whoever consumes some will instantly fall in love with you, it's great!" Sean and Tom continued talking about the potion. I think it's cool if you wanted to prank someone, but is it really okay to be in a relationship with someone who didn't properly love you?

At Hogsmede I saw Sean and Tom running towards us. We were about to enter The Three Broomsticks and get some Butterbeer but they insisted on getting the potion first. We got a table and sat down. "I'm getting Butterbeer." Said Haydyn. "Me too thanks!" I respond. Haydyn stares at me and I realise what I just said. The whole table heard and was staring. "Um... Harambe for president?" I said, trying to save myself. Sean kicked me from under the table. It hurt.

Haydyn returned with Butterbeer, and quickly ran off again to get more for the rest of us, so Georgia and Tom followed to help carry them. Sean looked over and poured all of the love potion into the mug closest to Georgia, sat back down and pretend nothing happened.

The three of them returned and sat down. Everyone began to take mugs from the centre of the table. Sean cautiously watched as Georgia reached out to take a mug, but not the one he poured the potion in. Soon there was one mug left and Haydyn took it. I stared at Sean who was looking very scared. Suddenly Haydyn started to laugh.

"Ah Sean, do you know how nice your hair is, it's just ginger and brown at the same time, isn't that cool? It's very attractive..." I spat out my Butterbeer. "What?" I asked. Haydyn didn't take his eyes off Sean. "Well you know, I just noticed how handsome he is and I think I'm in love!" everyone spat out their Butterbeer.

"Haydyn, we are going to take you for a little walk, to the hospital wing. We will come right back, I promise!" I said standing up and pulling Haydyn off his chair. "Can Sean come?" he asked. Allysha and Georgia stood up. "Uh no, but those two can!" I said pointing. Haydyn became sad. "Goodbye Sean, my love." He said as we walked him out.

We got to the hospital wing and explained everything. Haydyn drank a cure, but to be safe, was kept there all night. We went to visit in the morning and he glared at Sean. "Look Haydyn, I am sorry. Stop glaring at me!" exclaimed Sean. "Listen, I'm sorry. It was a stupid idea and it was meant for Georgia anyway. Now that I think of it, that wouldn't have been very nice either. Sorry Georgia." She nodded in response to his apology.

"So how're you feeling now?" I asked. Haydyn stood up. "I feel fine. But being in love with Sean is weird, don't try it. Unless you're Georgia..." Georgia was then the one glaring.

As we all left the hospital wing, Sean pulled Georgia aside. 'Here we go.' I thought. All of a sudden they walked back over to us. "Well, Sean and I made arrangements to go to this ball together." Said Georgia. We all were happy for them.

Suddenly, Annisa ran up to us holding a small vial. "Guys, here, some liquid luck!" she gave us some each. As soon as we began to question it, she was gone. "I don't need luck, I've got you." Said Allysha to Tasi, kissing his cheek. I put my hand over my heart, it was truly adorable.

I didn't believe this was real liquid luck, a potion designed to make you lucky for a period of time, but I was going to keep it for testing anyway.

That night I lay awake staring at the ceiling. I went down into the common room and sat by the fire place. I thought about the ball and how it was getting closer and closer. I thought about Annisa's strange behaviours. I thought about the supposed liquid luck. With all these thoughts I managed to fall asleep, on the floor, by the fireplace. Tomorrow was another day.

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