That's Not Liquid Luck

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The next day, we all went to Hogsmede. We made sure Sean and Tom avoided Weasley's Wizard Wheezes and we went straight to The Three Broomsticks. We were settled down with our drinks and had a great chat, mostly about the new muggle 'memes'. I looked around, I could not see Annisa anywhere, so I took the opportunity to talk about the liquid luck she gave us the other day.

"So what did you guys do with the stuff Annisa gave us the other day?" I asked everyone. "I kept it in my common room." Said Axel. "Oh, I didn't need it..." said Allysha, looking over at Tasi, blushing. "I threw it away." Said Georgia. "Well, I tested it and I've got to say-" I was cut off by Haydyn telling me to follow him.

I followed him to a booth thing and we sat down. "So you know how you were just talking about the liquid luck? Well I brought mine along." I stared at the vial. What was he playing at? "Um, do you know-" he cut me off again talking about, this supposed liquid luck. "Look, I just need this to be able to do this right." I watch him drink whatever was in the vial. "Haydyn, what are you doing?" I ask. He looks at the empty vial. "Luck's on my side." I look at the vial, confused and unsure. All of a sudden, he looks me in the eyes and ever so slowly inches closer to me. I knew what was happening. My eyes slammed shut.

His lips on mine felt warm and I could feel the heat radiating off my cheeks. I could feel my heart pounding 10 times the usual speed. You see, this has never happened to me before, so I didn't know what to do, but I think I got the hang of it. He put his hand on the side of my cheek and broke away from my lips. I kept my eyes shut.

"That's not liquid luck..." I said quietly. I opened my eyes. "It's not liquid luck?" he asked. I shook my head. "No, it's not..." he looked at the vial again. "Oh well. I guess I didn't need luck anyway!" he said taking my hand. "Maybe, you'll want to go to the ball with me?" he asked. I nodded and looked over at my friends at the table, all staring with their mouths open. 'Oh gosh, is this really what I did with Allysha and Tasi? Poor them!' I thought.

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