First Day of Year Six

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"And with that I would like to announce our first, annual Christmas Ball at the end of the year. Everyone will need to prepare for that when the time comes." Said McGonagall as the room thundered with applause. "On a different note... Some of you would be aware of the student who decided to scare people in particular carriages, dressed as Dementors. We will need to be notified of who this student is so we can hand out serious consequences."

This could be my chance. I could solve this mystery with my friends and become famous school-wide!

"Now let the feast begin!" McGonagall announced as the tables filled and piled up with food.

As Charlie, Tom and I ate the food that was piled before us, I thought about this student prankster and how they almost perfectly replicated the Dementor attack on Harry Potter on his ride to Hogwarts.

We made our way to the common room and settled down again for a new year. But my mind was racing with thoughts. Who is this student? Why did they prank us? What will be their next move?

I grabbed a spare book and began to note down strategies to uncover this student and prove to the school I'm good enough to be an Auror when I leave Hogwarts.

That night when everyone was asleep, I snuck out of my dorm and sat in the common room with my notebook and my cat. I sat by the fire place listing plans to get a gang together to uncover this person. But first I needed more clues.

I scribbled down a lot of my thoughts just as Charlie walked up to me.

"What's cracking famalam?" he asked. "Nothing much my broseph." Gosh Muggle language was funny. Charlie was a Muggleborn and Georgia, Tom and Sean were halfbloods. All four had introduced us Purebloods to muggle things called 'memes'. There were also things they would say like: "Lit, Fam!" and "Me too thanks!"

"So nothing's cracking fam? What to heck?" oh yeah that's another thing they say. "Nah, sorry Charlie. I'm contemplating tracking down whoever pulled that stunt on the train... But I will need some help." I added.

"I'm down for that!" he said sitting next to me. I smiled. I had gained my first team member. All that was left to do was to tell the others in the morning! Simple really. But was it?

The next day at breakfast I thought about how to propose my ideas to the other friends. Would they understand how much it would mean to me if they said yes?

Breakfast was over and I headed over to my Slytherin friends. "Hey, guys. Quick question... would you mind helping me find who did the thing on the train?" I asked nervously. "Yeah that sounds cool." Said Sean. "Uh, yeah sure." Said Haydyn. "Yeah, I'll help you out." Said Annisa. "Thank you." I replied to all three and headed to class.

I had the Ravenclaw Squad in my potions class. Before we entered the classroom, I quickly put the idea forward to the group. I got yes' from them. Allysha volunteered to help with the mystery solving while the rest researched and told me all they found.

The Gryffindor's, Georgia and Tasi also agreed to help which is great.

I have a team. We are solving a mystery. This is happening!

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