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My head felt as if it weighed a ton! Groaning, I opened my eyes to be met with a dimly lit room; I moved around as I found my large frame awkwardly dangling from a tiny sofa. I turned my head around in confusion to see Alex standing next to a man.  

Her slightly distraught image calmed me down, I was content knowing that she was alright and next to me. "What is going on?" I groaned out as the pain in my head doubled over. In an instant Alex rushed over to me.

"Are you okay?" her concerned voice penetrated the otherwise earily calm silence. I attempted nodding to assure her but than another wave of sharp pain surged through my head making me groan once again.

Her tiny, smooth hand clasped into my large, calloused ones. "Emily is your husband awake?" an aged lady asked as she walked out from a corner of the small house but what surprised me was the fact that she was addressing Alex; 'why would she call her Emily?' my mind began pondering confusedly.

I looked towards Alex with a curious expression whilst in return, I was met by her widened eyes which were trying to convey something incomprehensible to me. I gave her another questioning look before she began speaking.

"Yes Gretta, Liam is finally awake," Alex responded before I could intervein.

"Liam?" I mused.

"Yes remember honey! I am Emily and you are Liam Philip, we were running away from the wicked Alpha that was from the rival pack!" Alex explained with exaggeration and that's when it finally hit me, this was our cover story!

"Right, right! Everything just feels a bit hazy, are you okay Emily?" I asked annunciating 'her' name with deliberate force.

She nodded yes before turning her back towards me and walking to the old lady who held a tray full of bowls. Alex gently took the tray from her hands and told her to relax whilst she set up the table. That little gesture caused a smile to form on my lips, she was truly kind and unlike any I had ever seen before.

"Are you okay my dear?" The old lady, who I assumed was named Gretta approached me. "Yes, I feel much better. It's all thanks to you," I replied gratefully, I noted to myself to present the woman with a great reward once I was back in my castle, on my throne!

"Oh no problem at all, I am glad I could help, the alpha that is after you two sounds very awful," she smiled graciously before turning her head to the entrance and lighting up.

"Brandon, my child, I am so glad you're home! You spend way too much time out there in the woods!" Gretta scolded the mysterious man before engulfing him into a tight hug. She seemed to have noticed the man's confused stare which was directed at me as she turned back around with a smile and introduced both Alex and me, using our fake personas of course.

"Brandon meet Liam Phillip and his gorgeous wife, Emily!" As soon as the words left her lips the man names Brandon let out a loud roar before stalking towards me with a murderous glint. Instantly, I was up on my feet and in an attacking stance and even though my injured leg burned with pain I steeled my emotions and let out a threatening growl.

 He halted in his track and that's when I saw the glimpse of sheer ache in his eyes, his eyes that were gazing right at Alex, MY WIFE! But as soon as the sliver of the emotion was revealed, it was gone and replace by a stoic look. He smiled cynically before storming out of the cabin.

Gretta stood in her position stunned for a few minutes before looking towards me with an apollogetic look, "I apologize for my son's behaiviour, he has never done anything like this before. Excuse me, I'll just go get him so he too can apologise," she announced and tredged out the front door.

I turned around to face Alex, her eyes shone with unshed tears and an all to pained look had taken over her beautiful face. Slightly limping, I made my way to her; she seemed to be deep in thought as she didn't even see me approaching her and what left me utterly confused was the stray tear that streamed down her cheek. 

"What is going on Alex?" I questioned as I collected her into my embrace and she melted into my chest, snuggling closer. "Absolutely nothing," she breathed out.

"This does not look like 'absolutely nothing'! Whatever it is, you need to tell me, I don't like to be kept in the dark!" My voice rose. She moved out of embrace and wiped any remaining tears from her eyes. "I'm telling you it's nothing; anyways, you need to eat so that you can regain your energy and we can leave," she rushed out with a forced smile which reflected more of a grimace.

I didn't question her any further in fear of pushing her too far, I had vowed to make her fall for me and I couldn't achieve that if she resented me in any possible way. She pulled out a seat for me on the small dining table and served me with a bowl from the tray of four. 

I began eating as she took a seat beside me; I could feel her gaze on my face and I turned around and faced her with a gentle smile, she smiled back in reply. "Alexander?" she whispered. "Yes my love?", she smiled slightly at the endearment I used. "Were you serious about the deal?" she asked obviously reffering to the deal I had made with her about making her fall for me in a year.

"I have'nt been more serious about anything in my life," I declared with utter sincerity. The both of us remained silent for a few more minutes before Alex spoke up, "What will happen to Lucas once we return back and you reclaim your throne?".

A sadistic smirk automatically spread across my face when I thoguht of the things I had planned for my little brother. Despite the dull ache of betrayal from him the only other emotion I felt towards him was hate, unequivocal detestation! 

"You need not worry about that love, he'll be well taken care of!" as soon as I finished the sentence the entrance door swung open and the man named Brandon stepped inside. He looked towards me with a furious glint in his eyes and moved to the seat next to mine whilst Gretta followed behind taking a seat next to him.

"Let's begin eating," Gretta's gentle voice penetrated the tension filled atmosphere, I still couldn't comprehend why the lovely woman's son was acting like a hostile brute when I hadn't even said a word to him!

Everyone began eating as silence settled among us once more, I looked towards Alex but her gaze seemed to be fixed on a wooden wall that was only a few feet away from her; I knew it was an absurd notion but as I gazed into her distant eyes, I felt like I was loosing her even before gaining her...

YOU'RE NOT MINE, ALPHA KING !Where stories live. Discover now