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A pup...

The very word didn't seem to register quite properly into my brain for a few seconds too long but when they finally did I couldn't believe it. I was to be a father?

A father to a child that testified to the love I had for his mother. A little wolf that was barely a bundle of mere cells but had already established itself as the most important thing in my life apart from his Alex. A small cry of joy chocked out of my suddenly clogged throat which was followed by a scared whimper from Alex which immediately snapped me out of my joyous reverie and I jumped to her side, ignoring the mumbling healer who I had pushed back in order to reach my wife.

"what's wrong? Are you okay? Is the pup okay?" I hurried out, my hands caressing every inch of her to satiate my dire need for her protection. 

"I'm fine," she mumbled out, not quite looking at me. So I placed my finger underneath her chin delicately before lifting up, so her eyes met mine. 

She was worried.

"Are you not happy?" I questioned with apprehension. I wanted her to love our child as much as I did.

"No, it's not that. I'm just not sure you are happy or will be. You've rejected me once because I wasn't my sister but now we're bound together and you have no choice. I've restricted you and now you're stuck. What if one day you begin missing my sister again and resent me moreover my child for trapping you," she whispered with a choked sob.

I was stunned. Had she not realized I was in love with her? Did she not know the hurt I was experiencing due to my inept decisions and the thought of losing her to another man? "You're fucking crazy," I could only murmur before slamming my lips onto hers and pulling her limp body into mine for a torrid kiss.

Her body melted into mine as she let out a relieved sigh and then it happened. If not for my enhanced hearing I might've not even caught it, "I love you," she whispered softly.

My eyes widened by their own accord as I pushed her away from me a little so that her eyes met mine, my hands still enclosed around her waist. "Can you  please repeat yourself?" I could only breathe out.

A hot flush permeated her lithe neck and cheeks as she looked up at me, shyly. "I love you," she reiterated. 

Immediately my stunned state morphed into one of supreme happiness and I pulled her into another kiss. This one more soft and gentle, one that had emotions of a magnitude I had never in my life ever experienced before. Our tongues moved in tender sync as we finally pulled away, slightly panting, "I love you so much," I couldn't help but murmur.

With that being said I knew in my heart this was the happiest I had ever been in my life; the woman I loved reciprocated my feelings despite my faults and shortcomings when it came to her and that same woman was going to give birth to a product of our love, my heir. I knew somewhere I should've felt guilty for declaring this to be the happiest moment of my life when in fact, I had many other moments with my destined mate, Alex's younger sister but weirdly enough that's all Sasha was to me now, Alex's younger sister and thus there was no guilt. I was finally at peace. 

My hand drifted down to her midriff automatically as I leaned down to her flat stomach, "and I love you too," I mumbled out to my child, my eyes almost watering this being the most vulnerable I had ever been in my lifetime. I couldn't fathom how much these unfamiliar emotions were overwhelming me.

Alex's hands snaked into my hair prompting me to look up at her face, seeing a teary-eyed smile painted over her face and it was more than conspicuous that she was experiencing the same emotions as I was. 

With that being said I pulled her frame into mine and moved up the bed and laid down. Her body enveloped in mine, a perfect sense of peace mantling us. One of my hands rested on her lower abdomen, the other around her waist whilst she had her hands indolently placed across my chest. Her head rested on my chest as she took in a deep breath, "Do you think we'll be good parents?" she asked breathlessly.

I took a moment to consider. I was just about to answer when a loud knock at the door interrupted my musings. With a low growl, I pushed my body out of the bed after begrudgingly detaching Alex's body away from mine. I pulled the door open with an angered force and came face to face with one of my elite special-force guards. "I have news for you, your highness,"  he spoke in reverence. I was glad to see that my instructions about keeping my arrival an inconspicuous affair was being followed through and no ordinary message boy was allowed to accost me in hopes of keeping this fact as secretive as possible.

"What is it?" I asked impatiently.

"It seems your brother had a scheduled meeting with the ductor two days from now; he implores that further information requires your presence,"  he informed.

"I'll be down in the dungeons in a few minutes," I replied with a frustrated sigh and closing the door shut.

I made my way back to the bed and planted a small peck on Alex's lips when I realized that she was already asleep and with a final caress of her flat abdomen I left. I had to ensure that all our troubles would end after this Ductor was captured so that my pup could live in a safe and loving environment, one that they and their mother deserved.

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