The Offer Stands

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Main characters:

 Officer Jim Earnest – Rookie, probationary officer; the dark-haired Earnest is very handsome and happily married

Officer Pete Wry – Field Training Officer, responsible for molding Earnest into a good cop; although older and more experienced, the fair-haired Wry is still boyishly good-looking

Sergeant “Fitz” Fitzwilliam – Watch Commander

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“The Offer Stands”

Scene:  Locker room at the precinct, end of day watch.  Earnest has already changed into soft clothes and is tying his tennis shoes when Wry walks in.

Earnest:  There you are.  Did Fitz call you into his office or something?

Wry:  No, I was on the phone.  (He opens his locker and instead of placing his hat on the top shelf, carelessly tosses it on top of his street shoes at the bottom of the locker.)

Earnest:  (Watching this.)  Let me guess:  she cancelled again.

Wry(Hands on hips, nods.)  Yep.  That’s the third time.

Earnest: (Shrugs.)  Pete, she’s a doctor. She works in the emergency department—emphasis on the word ‘emergency.’  These things happen.

Wry:  (Sighs and starts to unbutton uniform shirt.)  I know, I know; she’s married to her job.

Earnest:  Just like you’re married to yours.  (Wry opens his mouth to protest.)  Come on, Pete, how many times have you had to cancel a date when something came up, or you had to stay late after the watch?  Now you’re finding out what it’s like to be on the receiving end.

Wry:  Yeah, I suppose.  But damn...  there should be a rule that only one person in a relationship can be married to the job.

Earnest:  (Raises eyebrows.)  Are you being sexist?

Wry:  Am I—  What?  No!

Earnest:  You sure?  Sounds like you don’t want to be in a relationship with someone who’s as dedicated to her job as you are to yours.

Wry:  (Shakes his head as he tucks his shirt into his khakis.)  There you go again, junior, twisting my words.  That is not what I said.

(They pause as another officer enters the locker room and heads into the shower area.)

Earnest:  It sounded like you said you didn’t want to be involved with a woman who’s married to her job.

Wry:  I was speaking in generalities.  A relationship is challenging enough if one person works long, crazy hours.  You know that; you’re living proof of it.  But if both parties work unusual hours...  well, that’s doubly challenging—if not doomed to failure.

Earnest:  As long as you get to be the one to work the unusual hours?

Wry:  (Looks at Earnest in exasperation.)  Again, you’re like a dog with a bone!  Listen, I can’t change my job at this point, so yeah, I’m already working crazy hours, and dating someone who also does it... well, that’s not gonna work too well.  Apparently.  But if I worked in an office or had some other shmuck job with a normal schedule, I’d be okay dating a woman who worked irregular hours.

Earnest:  (Shrugs.)  If you say so.  (Takes car keys out of his pocket.)  Listen, about tonight.... since your plans fell through and everything, I’d invite you over to hang out with Eileen and me, but we have some neighbors coming over to play cards.

Wry:  Don’t worry about it; I’ll be fine.  Besides, the last thing I want to do is be a fifth wheel on the station-wagon from suburban hell.

Earnest:  (Chuckles.)  You’ve hung out at our house before, Pete; this wouldn’t be any different.

Wry:  Somehow it would.  When it’s just you and Eileen, that’s one thing, but add some other Stepford suburbanites and who knows.... it might be catchy, and next thing you know I’d find myself talking about vinyl siding or the benefits of fescue grass.

Earnest:  (Laughs.) So what will you do tonight?

Wry:  I don’t know, but I’ll come up with something.  Maybe go to the gym for a while, or grab a few beers.

Earnest:  What about dinner?  You got anything at your place to eat?

Wry:  I don’t think so.  I’ll just grab something later.

Earnest:  Why don’t you stop by after your work-out?  I’ll have Eileen fix you a doggie bag.

Wry:  Jim, come on, I’m a grown man, not a twelve-year-old latchkey kid.  I’m perfectly capable of getting myself something to eat.

Earnest:  Well, the offer stands in case you change your mind.

Wry:  Thanks, but I’ll just see you tomorrow.

Earnest:  Okay.  G’night.

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                                                                           To be continued.......

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