Behold the Elephant

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“Behold the Elephant”

Scene:  Later that day, back in patrol car; Wry is once again behind the wheel.

Wry:  And that, junior, is why we keep an extra uniform in our lockers.

Earnest:  Yeah, I know, Pete.  I’ve done it since Day One, just like everybody else.  How’s the arm feel?

Wry:  (Glances at bandaged arm.)  So far, so good.  Between the stuff the doctor put on it and the pain reliever, it’s not too bad.  Certainly nothing I can’t handle.

Earnest:  I was kinda hoping that Dr. Strickland would be on duty.  You were an emergency case, after all.

Wry:  I’d hardly call this slight burn an emergency case.  Now the little girl Stacy, on the other hand....

Earnest(Nods.)  Yeah, I know.  While I was waiting for you at the hospital I saw the paramedics, the ones who brought her in.  She regained consciousness in the ambulance and they thought she’s probably gonna be okay.

Wry:  Good.  The way stuff was falling apart in that house....  It’s a good thing that curtain or whatever it was that fell on me didn’t hit her instead.  You know, I’m still not clear how her mother and grandmother both got out of the house, and the girl was left behind.

Earnest:  (Shrugs.)  Just a classic case of each one thinking the other had her.  The mother had been in the kitchen when the fire started—she said the toaster malfunctioned and sent sparks everywhere.  She tried to put it out herself and then called out to the grandmother, who she thought had the baby.  And of course the grandmother thought the mother had Stacy.

Wry:  (Shakes head.)  You and Eileen better work out a system for keeping your little guy safe.

Earnest:  Don’t worry.  If something happens at our house, we’ll both go for him first, to make sure he’s okay.  Plus, we’ve got two fire extinguishers in the house, so a typical kitchen fire shouldn’t turn into a disaster.

Wry:  Good.  Now, can we talk about something other than fires for a change?  As it is, I’m going to be tasting smoke for the rest of the day.

Earnest:  Sure.  How about your situation with Lauren?

Wry:  No.  Next topic?

Earnest:  Well, what about the prowler calls?  Any further thoughts on that?

Wry:  To be honest, I haven’t given it much thought in the past day or so.  (Shakes head again.)  I read all the info twice, and I still feel like we’re not seeing the whole picture.

Earnest:  So we’re still the blind men not seeing the elephant, huh?  Let’s see, what pieces do we have?  The calls come in during the afternoon.  And all at residential addresses—which isn’t surprising for a prowler or peeping tom.

Wry:  Yeah, but... there’s something—some crucial piece of information—that we’re missing.  Or maybe it’s something that’s there that we haven’t realized is significant.  I know there’s something that ties these cases together.  I can feel it.

Earnest:  Well, we can go over the call reports again, if you want.  Maybe looking at them fresh will help us find something we missed before.  Personally I agree with you that afternoons is an odd time for someone to be casing a house, for whatever reason.

Wry:  Yeah?  Came around to my way of thinking, huh?

Earnest:  Yeah, there’s just too much going on at that time of day—too easy to be seen. No prowler in his right mind is gonna want to be slinking through a neighborhood in the middle of the day.  I mean, you’ve got people outside mowing the grass or working in their yards, moms taking the kids to soccer or ballet practice, kids getting off the school bus and walking home—there’s a lot more going on than—  Whoa!  (Glances over at Wry, who has hastily pulled the car over to the curb.)  Pete?  What is it?  Is your arm bothering you?

Wry:  (Turns to look at Earnest.)  That’s it!  You hit the nail on the head, partner!

Earnest:  I did what, now?  What are you talking about?

Wry:  You just provided the missing piece.

Earnest:  Yeah, you just said that, but...  what are you talking about?

Wry:  (A lopsided grin spreads across his face.)    I think I’m beginning to see the elephant.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

                                                                          To be continued.....

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