Damned Children

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Dear Diary,

It's that time of night again,

Animals attacks have been getting worse,

Father is always having mysterious meetings,

I'm always getting new gifts that Father says I have to wear,

I got a small vile of perfume from father said was the one the mother used to wear so I wear it all the time,

I got a necklace that once also Mothers so I wear that all the time.

I don't know what's happening but I will get to the end of it, no matter what it takes.


Damon, Stefan, Father and I are all walking around outside. Father was fidgeting with his coat, I knew something must be wrong. There must be another secret he is keeping from me and I can't know.

I was about to excuse myself saying I had somewhere to go. When father asked me to go check on our guests. I was about to object and say that I was going to visit some friends when I looked at fathers face, he looked grave like what he was about to say was something incredibly important.

I want to know though, he has been having a lot of meetings with some of the other founding families. Ever since these mysterious attacks. Every time I ask father he either changes the subjects or say that there is just animals.

I even tried asking Anna once but she just said that it was animal attacks but there was some nervousness in her voice, almost like she was trying to hide something from me.

I looked at Damon and Stefan, they seemed to know what Father was talking about so I turned around and walked away from them. Little did they know I was hiding and I could hear all of their conversations.

Dear Journal

I can't believe it, animals attacks.

They aren't real, it's a cover story. They are all Vampires. Everyone I know has been lying straight to my face.

I don't know what to do, I don't know whether to tell someone or stay quiet about it.

If I lie about it I don't know what to do, I won't be able to look my brothers in the eye.

When we were younger we promised to tell each other and anything and now I also feel betrayed of their trust, but if I do tell someone I can risk getting in trouble.

I have no idea what I am going. I think I'm going to sleep on it and see what happens.

Though there is one more thing..

Damon and fathers quarrels are getting worse. There's no love in that relationship anymore.

It was obvious listening to the hatred in fathers voice as he talked to Damon



I feel a tear drop fall down my face as I remember all the memories. That was when things started to go terribly wrong, when I lost trust in my brothers and everyone I knew.

I always remember that morning when I woke up and heard Katherine and who I believed was Damon......


I woke up to hear giggling yet again. I was disgusted the way that Katherine had used my brothers but there was nothing for me to do. I was just about to fall asleep again when I heard Emily's Voice explaining that the was a visitor for Katherine.

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