Chapter II

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Nico's PoV

"N-no mom, Nico is um, asleep. Yes! Asleep!" Will shouted down nervously.

Why would he lie about me being asleep or awake?

"O-okay Nico, I need to tell you a few things before you settle down here ok?" Will asked, taking me by surprise.

"Ok, just tell me everything I need to know." I said, straight to the point.

"Okay, I have been abused by my mom since around when I was eight, I know that your other foster homes where perfect, they never hit or did anything to you, this is gonna be a slight change." He said looking me straight in the eye.

He told me about his life.

How his parents got abusive,

How they smoked like chimneys,

How his papa got cancer,

How they blamed it all on him,

How he got Beaton till he was a sack of meat for hours.

How he didn't even cry at his papa's funeral.

Should I tell him about my life?

"I was even happy when my own dad died! Does that make me a horrible person?" Will questioned, suddenly very unwrought .

"No it doesn't! Your dad didn't even care about you!" I answered back, even though I remember hardly anything about my parents, at least they weren't abusive.

"I can't believe I'm telling my new foster brother this. I'm just glad your parents weren't abusive, I would hate to see anyone with the pain of that, the pain of turning to no one because your just a kid, just because your too young to understand." Will exclaimed.

"Well, my foster parents were kind of abusive." I admitted.

"Really! How?" Will asked, looking amazed and confused.

Will's PoV

I always thought I was alone when I was abused, that no one felt the same pain.

Nico did.

I wasn't alone, I'm not alone, not anymore.

"H-how where you abused. I-if you don't mind me asking." I asked shyly.

He told me about everything.

How his parents died in a fire back in Italy,

How he and his sister, Bianca, had been flown to America to be sent to a foster home, so then they won't get as many panic attacks,

How he had been sent to a very abusive home when he was eight until he was ten,

How the killer foster dad had killed his sister for making to much noise,

How he watched his sister die in his arms,

How he ran out of the house like Bianca had told him to,

How he heard the last screams if his sister,

How he had moved homes for so many years,

With most of them being abusive.

I'm definitely not alone,

Not alone anymore.

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