Chapter V

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Nico Di Angelo

My head spins as I walk to the bathroom, Will had just drifted of to sleep once more, giving me chance to wash my face and get dressed in the early morning light.

The house smelled like smoke and alcohol, not my favourite smell seeing as they remind me of everything, the fire the parents I had before, that taste of luxury I had before it got ripped away from me. I took it all for granted. I only realised that when Bianca, my only family, was finally taken away from me.

I grip to the sink, my whole body shaking, I can't show weakness, not to myself, not to anybody, they would just take it for granted like everybody else.

The world is full of vultures.

Creatures that wait, wait until you finally can't get up and rip you apart until your empty, just bones with no brain, no soul, no emotions.

Wet hot tears stream down my face, as I hear footsteps approaching.

"Nico? What are you doing in here?" Will asks, his voice shaking slightly.

"N-nothing, just getting ready." I say, trying to make my voice sound happy. I keep my head down, he can't see me crying, if he did, he would take advantage of it, like every other human.

"Nico, look at me."  Will said softly.

"Why?" I ask him harshly, my anger running out of my mouth.

"Are you crying?" Will says as he lifts my head up to look at him, my face flushing red.

He hugs me tightly as my heart races even faster, surprisingly, I accept his embrace and hug him tightly back, my wet tears leaving marks against his pyjama top.

"It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you. I'm not going to let anyone hurt you anymore." Will whispers into my ear.

For the first time in a long time, I've accepted someone other than Bianca.

I hope she's happy. Wherever she is.

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