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Hey! So I just want to thank everyone for over 30 reads! It means a ton to me to know other people like my story! So as always, sit back, relax, and enjoy!


Harmony had to be in the hospital for two days over her burns. I thought it would be a lot longer, but the doctor told me she made a miraculous recovery. I opened our door to the apartment, Mad leading Harmony inside. She sat on the couch, tuning the TV to spongebob. I chuckled, happy at seeing her normal again. Mad came up to me. His face was dark, as it had always been for the past two days.

"It's not your fault," I tried to tell him, but he just shook his head. I sighed. Mad had been blaming himself over her injury, even though it was OUR fault. He just walked to the kitchen again. I sighed again, then plopped myself down next to Harmony.

"How are you feeling?" I asked her. Her leg had been wrapped up in gauze. It already had signatures from other patients at the hospital.

"I'm good!" She exclaimed. She then pointed to a specific signature where Mad had signed it, wishing for her to get better.

"It was funny, because the nurse wanted to write over it. I told her my friend signed it already, but she only laughed! I think she needed glasses." Harmony told me. I laughed nervously. I didn't want her to know about what she had. She was only a kid. Just let her live in her sad imagination. Mad explained to me that if she found out what she had at her age, that he wasn't really real, everything would be really bad. She would fall into a state of depression, maybe to the point she would become insane. Mad told me I didn't because I truly believed he was real. I felt kind of glad I believed, or who knew where I would be? Harmony returned to Spongebob. I knew I had to tell her at some point, but not now. Not at her age. Suddenly, I heard a knock at the door. I got up quickly to answer it. Russ and Red stood on the other side.

"Hey, just came over to ask something. Got a minute?" Russ said.

"Sure." I shrugged.

"Can we talk outside?" Red asked. I nodded, following them out.

"So, we wanted to ask if Harmony was in school?" Russ muttered. My eyes widened. I hadn't even thought of enrolling her in school at all! I shook my head.

"She really isn't mine. She was abandoned at my door or something. I took her in. I feel terrible for not thinking about it!"

"It's fine. Your plates full anyway, what with trying to find a new job. Anyway, I kinda knew she wasn't yours. You too look so much alike, though! But guess what? My friend, we call her Minx, she's a teacher at the local school that's opening this fall, why not enroll her there? What grade is she in?" Red explained.

"She's nine." I said.

"So third grade. Ok. Does she know basic math and language arts?"

"Yeah, she's ok on that. And the fall is perfect. You see, she got hurt on a burner on the stove. She has to be careful on her feet." I explained.

"Man, that sucks!" Russ said.

"I hope she gets better!" Red exclaimed.

"Me too. The doctor said she would be fine in a few days, though I want her to be careful. And thanks for the school info." I told them.

"No prob. We got to get going, we have to go shopping for groceries. See you later!" Russ said, and he and Red left. I waved good-bye, then went back inside.

Hi! I hope you like this story! I personally think I write better when im really tired! :3 Anyway, sit back, relax, and ill see you next time! Chao!

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