Underestemate Me

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   Me and Morty spent about four hours going through different dimensions and getting into trouble, like always. He didn't really seem to enjoy it like other times. Whatever he has on his mind, it must be serious. I want to help him, but he's not letting anyone. He hides instead. Less talkative. Less questions.

   "Hey, uh, Morty.." I stammer. He barely glances at me. "What...what-what do you wa-wanna do?" I ask, tuning away from the wheel. "Go home." He grunts. "Listen, Morty, you seriously gotta tell me what's going on. I'm here trying to help y-you and all, and..and all I'm getting is nothing." He raises a brow. "So, fess..fess up." I demand.

   "B-but, Rick! It's nothing r-really." He stutters, suddenly himself again. Bipolar much? "It's obviously something, Morty." I turn back. "So, tell me."  I can feel his eyes burning through me. "Morty, god damnit. Tell me!" I shout. "Okay! Okay! Sheesh! It's just...I like someone and I don't think they like me back." I could almost tell he was blushing as he spoke.

   "That's it!?" I turn around again. He nods. "That's all?" I ask again. "Y-Yes!!" He whines. I burst out into laughter, focusing back to where I was going. "And-and who is this mysterious person?" I asked, trying to calm down. "I-I...umm...it's...it's..." Hesitantly, I interrupt him. "Well...?" I slow down.

    "Someone I'm around a lot." He finally admits.


"Ew! Gross! Not my dad, Rick! Aw Jeez!"


"Oh gosh no!"


"Oh my gosh! None of them!" He shouts. I smile slightly. "Okay, then who. Just tell me, I won't mind at all." He whines loudly. Loud enough to know it was going to be bad."

  "Well?!" I holler. "OH MY GOSH RICK, IT'S YOU!"

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