Prologue I

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You stood infront of the huge building, your phone in your hand and your mouth slightly gaping. The building is huge! Not to mention how luxurious it looked like.

'Bzzzz bzzzz. Bzzzz bzzzz.'

Your handphone vibrated, snapping you out of your gaping.

"Sebastian, unlock."

You spoke, holding the device up close to your face. Yes. You named your handphone Sebastian. Not because you are lonely or desperate for a company (Yeah, right. Ye dont). But, because the device is implanted with many complex chips and softwares that you made yourself. You even created an AI similar to SIRI from an infamous company, which you dubbed as Sebastian.

Still awed, you press on an app icon and a messenger window pops up. You did not download this application for no reason. You downloaded it for fun, thinking that it is a gaming app. Turns out it wasn't. And the wierd thing is, the app was sent to you, recommended by an unknown sender.

[Unknown] :
Are you there yet?

[You] :
Yeah. The building is big! And the securities here are rather tight :o

[Unknown] :
See? I told you that I know that area well.

What now?

Go inside. The phone owner's floor is supposed to be on floor number 7, door 137.

G-go in?? Won't I be intruding??

Trust me. You are not. : )


You sighed, wondering how had you accepted to help this stranger. Yet you just couldn't say no now. You didn't have the heart to.

You warily walk past the securities that are patrolling around the entrance and slipped in into the lift. Holding Sebastian tightly in one hand, you pressed the specified button.

"Ugh. Im so nervous. Sebastian stay with me, alright? Alert mode activate."

Your device beeped and the screen shows a pop-up, confirming you, that Sebastian is in alert mode. This slightly put your nerves at ease. Sebastian will immideatly speed dial your brother and 999 if something ever happens to you. You were grateful for that.

The elevator stopped as its doors mechanically opens. You stepped out reluctantly and almost instantly, you spot the door number 137.

"We found it!"

You unlocked Sebastian again, and typed into the messenger.

Im here. Infront of the door.

Is there a passcode lock?

You checked the door.

There is.

Here. I'll give you the password so you can go inside = (-707707707-)

Shouldn't I knock first?

Oh right! Go on, knock.

You straighten your pose and knocks three times on the hardwood door. Nothing. No response.

Nothing happened.

Go on then. Use the password. : )

You are strongly against using the password to go in because you feel like you're intruding. But yet, you are very tempted to open the door and find the owner of the lost phone, as claimed by the unknown person.

I Will Always Give You Wings [Yoosung X Reader]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang