Episode 13

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As Uncle chases down Joon-sung in Young-ho's car, Young-ho follows, desperate to save his friend. He swerves into Uncle's car which stops him from ramming into Joon-sung, but in the process Young-ho flips his own car.

Uncle isn't unscathed, his car having crashed into a couple of other cars nearby, and he gets out despite being injured. He sees a car with a familiar license plate, and he's horrified to realize that it's his own sister, and she's badly hurt.

Joon-sung sees the accident and realizes that it's Young-ho who was in the car that flipped, and he's injured, bleeding and unconscious. Joon-sung grows frantic, screaming and crying, trying fruitlessly to free Young-ho. But Young-ho is pinned by the steering wheel, which is jammed into his bad knee. Thank goodness Manager Min also followed Young-ho, and he takes over from the desperate Joon-sung to staunch the bleeding in Young-ho's leg and call for help.

As Young-ho is rushed to surgery, his gurney is wheeled right past a shocked Dad. He flashes back to Young-ho as a child, begging him to not make him go through surgery again. I think I prefer the crying, pleading Young-ho to the frightening way he lies, still and silent, on the operating table now.

Manager Min is beside himself with guilt, and he apologizes to Dad for letting this happen. Dad just says in his stoic way that there's no sense getting upset over what's done — they just have to get through it.

Stepmom is also in surgery to repair abdominal injuries, and Uncle sits outside on the floor waiting for news, looking pale and frightened.

Ji-woong arrives at the hospital to find Joon-sung still covered in Young-ho's blood. He tries to run to Young-ho but Joon-sung silently holds him back. It's Ji-woong's turn to collapse in tears, while Joon-sung tries weakly to comfort him.

Still waiting for her son (and wearing the red coat he gave her, awww), Joon-sung's mother tries to call him, but he's not answering. Joo-eun also waits for Young-ho, with a bad feeling due to a broken mirror and her intuition. She's in a daze the next morning at work, growing more worried the longer it's been since she's heard from Young-ho.

Joon-sung does finally show up at his mother's the next morning, looking contrite and exhausted and terrified beyond words. His mother is visibly relieved that he's okay, and when Joon-sung's chin starts to wobble and he ekes out a tiny, lost, "M... mom," she folds him into a hug and they both cry. She promises to hug him often from now on.

Stepmom comes through surgery battered but ultimately okay, so Uncle goes to sit by Young-joon's bedside until he wakes. Young-joon asks for his mom and Uncle tells him she'll be here soon, and asks why Young-joon would deliberately overdose.

Young-joon says through tears that he was there at the anniversary celebration and heard what Uncle said on the phone to his mother, and sobs that he feels responsible. Without him around, everyone could stop being so greedy about Gahong.

Full of regret, Uncle consoles Young-joon and admits that he was the one who did something stupid, and that he's sorry. Later he calls Woo-shik to the hospital and makes a personal request, though we don't hear what it is.

Soo-jin is absent from work for the second day in a row, giving Joo-eun one more thing to worry about. She drives to Soo-jin's place to check on her, trying again to call Young-ho on the way, but with no luck.

Young-ho's doctor tells the family that he's finally waking up, and that his injuries aren't life-threatening. But despite their best efforts, the damage to his leg is extensive, and it's doubtful that he may ever walk again. Dad is in danger of losing his iron compoure, and it doesn't help when Manager Min tells him that Young-ho and Stepmom were both hurt while trying to stop Uncle. Dad gets a steely look in his eye, and growls to Manager Min to take care of this.

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