Laney The Princess

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Corey came into the garage with a big smile on his face, "What's with the big smile Core?" Corey looked at Laney and answered, "Well Lanes, I got us a gig!" the other three didn't respond with as much enthusiasm as expected. Corey asked, "What's wrong." Kin answered, "Dude, we get a gig all the time. It's nothing new, it's like us getting a gig is the plot of everyday." Corey frowned a little but continued, "But we're got a gig at this LARP thing." Kon asked, "Wasn't that an episode already?" Corey thought about it but then replied, "True, but this there's no weird comet, so the plot will be different." The others just went "Ohhhhh."

They finally arrived at their destination and Laney stated, "Ugh, this place is still full of weird cos-playing nerds." Kin replied, "I think you mean, cool cos-playing nerds." She just rolled her eyes at him, so "So Core, when are we gonna do the gig so we can get outta this place already?" Corey replied, "Oh first we have to do some cos-playing." "Wait what?!" Corey continued, "I didn't mention that....?" Laney just shaked her head, "Oh well part of the deal for us to play this gig that we have to do one hour's worth of cos-playing with these dudes." Laney groaned with frustration while the twin's shouted, "IT'S COS-PLAYING TIME!!!!!!!" Suddenly a blinding night surrounded them, as it died down it revealed Kin wearing a lab coat and Kon wearing a cheese costume.

".......... What the........ why are you guys wearing those?" Kin replied, "Oh Laney, we can be anything we want, I always wanted to be a scientist." Kon continued, "And I always wanted to know how being cheese felt." Kin said, "You can be anything you want, even form your wildest dreams..." Suddenly a random dude wearing a wizard's costume suit said, "Hello fellow role-players, today's theme of role-play is med-evil, but we can't start without a Princess, and sadly there are no girl role-players to fill that role." Suddenly everyone hopefully looked at Laney, she crossed her arms as she shouted, "What?!" Corey said, "Hey Lanes, have any idea on who could fill that role?" She answered, "I think you would be the perfect princess Core." His eyes sparkled as he said, "Really?" Then the random dude said, "No. We need a girl for us to serve in this role-play." Laney sighed as she said, "Fine whatever." Corey just sighed as his dream died.

Laney was wearing a pink med-evil dress with sparkles and a glittery crown, "this is so stupid....." She was sitting on a throne, "Wait, how long has it been?" Unfortunately for Laney, there are still 50 more mintues less, "Oh come on!" The random dude said, "Hello fair princess who rules this kingdom, what do want to be served at this fine hour?" Laney just weirdly looked at him as she replied, "Uhhh, can I have my band with me?" In a few seconds her band mates were right next to her. Kin said, "Hi Princess Laney, how's life living as royalty?" Laney replied, "Umm OK....can I have a glass of water?' Then a glass of water was swiftly placed into her hand. "i don't care how you're doing it, but I think I'm gonna have some fun with this.

After an hour Laney was surrounded with instruments, food, and other random junk. Laney said, "Well I guess one hour's up." Suddenly the random dude from before said, "W-wait! Before you play your, to finish this role-play the Princess has to kiss the Prince." Laney asked, "Uh why..... all I've been doing was ordering you guys to do stuff, how does a prince have anything to do with this?' The random dude shrugged and replied, "the story goes as it goes." Laney asked 'Who this.... 'Prince' anyway?" Everyone looked at........ "Nick Mallory" (OHHHHHHH PLOT TWIST)

Nick said, "Nick Mallory thinks it's cool to role-play." Laney scrunched her face in disgust and shouted, "Oh no way in this life! I order that we just play the gig and I don't need any Prince!" The random person replied, "Sorry Princess, this is the rule." Laney rolled her eyes and said, "Ugh fine, whatever, let's just get this over with." Corey felt something he hasn't felt before so he just said, uhhhh, guys......let's just go, yeah!" then he quickly pushes his friends out of the place back to his garage.

Laney asked, "Uhhh Core, what was that? Because that's first time you ever bailed on a gig...." Kin added, "It's very un-Corey like." Corey replied, "I don't know what got over me.... let's just get on with our daily lives like nothing happened." Suddenly Kon was eating cheese, "Already ahead of you man."

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