Making Failures

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Art class.

One of the classes Corey wasn't doing so well. Of course there are a lot of other subjects math, but art was something he actually enjoyed. He never understood why the teacher didn't like his creative genius. like there was this one time the teacher said to make a piece of art work representing realism. So Corey drew a guitar, how much 'real' could that get. The teacher just said he drew like a five year old. There was this other time where the teacher wanted everyone to draw something out of there imagination. He drew a unicorn farting butt rainbows. The teacher recommended him getting help.

She just doesn't understand his way of creativity.

One day the teacher announced that they have an assignment worth 50% of their mark. She said they have to create something which would make the world a better place. Laney was in Corey's class and whispered to him, "Sounds more like Science." He nodded in agreement. The teacher continued, "It's due by next week." Everyone shrieked in horror, the bell rang and everyone quickly walked off to work on the project.

Corey sat in his garage strumming is guitar thinking of an idea. World hunger? Well he can't do anything with that idea. Recycling? Wait how is this Art again? He shrugged, he had plenty of time before the due date. No need to worry.

It's been 4 days, Corey still hasn't thought of an idea. He asked Laney about it, she said she finished it already, saying that she made a recycle thing out of paper mache which picked up rubbish but it also looked aesthetically pleasing. Corey's eyes widened when he saw her piece of work in action. He not even gonna ask how she did that with paper and glue.

Today was the day before Corey had to hand in his assignment. He was starting to worry because he hadn't even started it yet. He paced around, he even cancelled band practice because this was really big. He groaned, 'I'm gonna fail this subject if I don't think of something!"  He laid on his stage but then he heard a voice, "Like hurry up Mina, I want to try on these new clothes." Corey wasn't bothered to say anything so he just listened. Mina stuttered, "S-sorry Trina, these bags are just heavy. If only someone could make something which would make thing easier to carrier." Trina rolled her eyes as they went upstairs. Corey's eyes widened as he smirked.

He an idea.

It was the day of handing the assignment in. The teacher looked at everyone's work, someone got A's, some got F's, and so on. Laney got an A, she smiled bu then mumbled, "Where's Core..." Suddenly she heard, "I'M HERE!" The teacher said, "Mr Riffin, I see you decided to show up. Have something to us?" Corey said, "Yes. I do." He  pushed in a cart which lwas painted terribly and said, "This make things easier to carry, look!" He put his things and just easily pushed it. Everyone didn't looked impressed, Laney awkwardly smiled. The teacher nodded, "A" Everyone was shocked. "Really?" Corey exclaimed. The teacher shaked her head, 'I don't want a Riffin to being my class two years in a row. Again."

Corey shrugged, "YES!" Laney chuckled, 'I see how you and Trina are related." They saw the room next door to them and saw Trina with a very PINK model.

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