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|maddison's pov|

my head throbbed. it was an electric, sharp pain that resided in the back of my skull. my vision was still fuzzy. all I could see was a polychromatic area containing a mix of grey's, blacks, browns and dull whites.

"she's coming to," a foreign voice nearly screamed. the volume of the persons voice caused my head to burst into an even greater pulsating agony than before.

the edges of my vision began turning into a bright mix of colors. I felt my eyelids try to hold themselves up, but they were heavy. it was almost as if a force was pulling them downwards.

I, painfully, held my eyes open after struggling to do it. it was still blurry; however, I could make out figures.

"Maddie," a voice cried out. the person practically trampled over me as they ran next to me. the person fumbled with my hand before interlocking it with their hand. I blinked harder, trying to make out who the mysterious figure was.

"Lu—Lucas," I croaked out once my vision had resolved. my throat was dry and tender which made talking sting with each word.

"you're alive," he smiled whilst crying onto my shoulder.

I didn't comprehend what he had meant by saying that I was alive. of course I was. why would I not be?

"what.....what h-happened?" I rasped. I tried to disregard the burning sensation in the back of my throat.

"w-where am I?" I continued. I moved my achy hand up to my neck. there was a large piece of gauze that was taped to my skin.

my eyes darted around the room. there were bright lights and people in long coats hustling in and out of the door.

"hello, darling," one person in a lab coat spoke gently to me as she approached the bed I was lying on.

"you're at the hospital right now," she paused but continued, "there was an accident, but you're alright."

I nodded, but I was still unclear on what happened. I attempted to remember what had occurred. my mind was foggy and I didn't remember anything at all.

suddenly, it came to me. the party with Grayson and Dylan. Dylan being repulsively drunk. dancing. singing. the music stopping. the girl with the knife through her head. the man. the man. the man with the permanent smile cut into his cheeks.

"he tried to kill me," I muttered repeatedly.

the same nurse that had just spoken to me rushed over to me once more. "what was that sweetie?"

she turned towards the other doctors and spoke worriedly, "let's get the police in here, please."

I whipped my head towards lucas. I shook his head from my shoulder, getting him to look up at me. "where's Grayson? Dylan?"

his eyes seemed to cloud over and become darker. he stumbled over his words, "" he looked up to the nurse in a confused and worried manner.

she knelt down next to me so that her head was even with mine. "Maddison, I want you to know that we did everything we could—"

"stop," I interrupted her, "don't say it." I held a hand up in her face and turned away.

"they didn't make it," she finished her sentence in a whisper.

"everything you could? everything you fucking could. please tell me, what did you do?" I turned to face her once more. I was angry; I felt my face and ears heat up.

"well....they, they were already dead when we arrived at the scene. we tried to resuscitate, but to no avail." the lady tried to seem comforting.

"you didn't try hard enough." I stared up at the ceiling and attempted to understand the fullness of the situation.

she started out the door, but I quickly stopped her, "what about everyone else?"

"Maddison, I'm again sorry for your loss. but—but you were the only survivor." she walked out the door. her heels tapped on the floor as she walked.

the world seemed to have stopped. stop moving and turning all together. everything moved in slow motion. it was almost as if the universe was awaiting me to catch up. how was it that I was the only one left? why was I not dead with the rest of them. I was certainly not deserving of being the only one granted with a second chance. I've done nothing that would be honorable enough to keep my own life over my other friends.

I didn't cry. not a single tear came out. I was sad, yes, but then again I wasn't. I lost my best friends, yet I was almost unfazed. I was shocked, but after getting over the shock there was nothing left. my stomach seemed almost hollow as did the rest of me.

I wanted to cry. I wanted to cry so badly. but there was almost nothing left of me anymore which gave me nothing to cry about. I felt like nothing.

"when can I go home?" I whispered, still staring up at the cream colored ceiling.

"I'll go talk to Elvira about your discharge date," Lucas muttered. he stood up and retreated from the room.


aye super short chapter sorry :( since it was so short, there may be another chapter comin out tonight ;)

my next chapter is when all the action is gonna happen!!!! I'm already writing it ahh. thank y'all for all the reads and votes!


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