Chapter 12

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Another update. Lucky you!

(Show time)

Andy's pov

"5 mins to show time guys. Get ready" our manager Jon tells us.

I'm so ready for this show.

"Ok CC your up"

CC runs out onto stage and takes his seat at the drum kit. As usual the crowd goes wild. Its so awesome to hear. <3

"Ready?" I ask Ash.

"yup" he replies.

With a quick kiss and hug he runs on stage.


We jump straight into the first of many songs. All the guys are so happy. Even Ashley. I run over to him and place my arm round his neck as we sing in unison.

On queue, the crowd goes mental.

"Andley. We love you."

The fans dont know about us yet but I'm thinking of yelling them today. I think its the right time. After everything. Me and Ash are stronger than ever.

We played:

We Dont Belong,

All Your Hate,

Youth and Whisky

And Goodbye Agony.

This is when Ashley planned on telling the fans.

Ashley's pov

Ok here goes. Its ok. Your ok. I calm my nerves and take center stage with Andy by my side.

"Some of you have been asking why i was in hospital and why I've been away from social media and that sort if stuff. Its time i told you guys the truth."

Andy signalled me to go on.

"I was in hospital because I self harm. I had cut really bad. And...I nearly kill.... killed myself." I could tell the fans and the guys found it difficult to hear.

Its hard for me to talk about. Tears fell down my cheeks as the crowd shouted support.

"I have struggled with depression for many years but never confided in anyone. I let things get too bad. But know Andy, Jinxx, CC and Jake all know and are helping me greatly.

I couldn't do this with out your support guys." I said turning to them. " I love you all like brothers and you all mean the world to me." It hurt saying I loved andy like a brother because I love him more than that.

"WE ALL LOVE YOU ASH" CC screeched from the drums. God, he's so loud. The fans joined in, expressing their love. It was great to hear.

"Kill yourself then. Emo fag" one voice echoed loud.

What? Did someone say that. Or is it just me.

The crowd fell silent as they also heard the comment.

"Come on then bitch. Cut a bit deeper next time."

Why? I thought they might understand. No. Don't listen Ashley. Your better now. Better.

Andy's pov

What the actual fuck.

"How dare you. How fucking dare you come to a show and yell that sort of abuse after the courage it Ashley to tell us. He did what he did because of bastards like you. It broke my heart to see him in so much pain. I will do everything in my power to save him. Help him."

Ashley's pov

I cant believe Andy said that. He's so brave. That's the kindest thing anyone has ever dome for me.

"Why do you wanna help that ugly piece of shit!" The person yelled.

Ugly. I'm ugly. I knew I was. I'm sorry. Stop. Stop reminding me.

Jake's pov

This guy is seriously pissing me off.

Ashley is in tears because of him. And Andy is raging.

Andy walks over to Ashley, probably to comfort him. But does something I didnt expect.

"I help him because I fucking love him. Okay? I love Ashley Purdy more than anything. And anyone with a problem can leave right now!"

Ashley's pov

Well. I guess the fans know.

As Andy stands by my side, I grab his shirt, pull him in close and kiss him passionately. The fans are going mental behind us. It seems like they are happy.

CC's voice is heard above everyone. "Andley is real!"

With that, we walked off stage.

"Well, that was eventful." Jinxx says calmly.

I laugh weakly.

"You okay Ashley?" Andy asks with concern.

"Umm...yeah fine. Just...Im gonna go for a walk. Bye." I say without looking at anyone in particular.

I need to get away, clear my mind. That guy started the voices again.

He's right, you know. You are ugly, just a stupid emo fag, Ashley.

I run out of the building and just run and run, away from it all. I dont know where I'm going.

Andy's pov

I'm worried. Im really worried. I hope he will be okay.

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