The Bakery

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The Bakery

I had seen her before, I just couldn't figure out where though. She had long brown hair, pulled back into a high ponytail. She was beautiful, her makeup minimal, complimenting her tanned skin. She walked into the bakery with poise and confidence, she must not know what she's getting herself into.

"Hi, I'm Hailey," she offers me her right hand as she walks in, the door bells jingling behind her.  I take it in mine to shake it; the first point of analysis. Firm, assertive, but not too controlling. I like it.

            "Nice to meet you Hailey. I'm Tyler. You spoke on the phone with Nico I think, about the position?" She nods. Hell, if only she knew she wasn't just here for a bakery job. She'd be running out the door by now if she knew the truth.

            The bakery was just a front for my father's branch of the mob. My grandfather had established it years ago to help launder cash, and it worked pretty well. We kept up appearances by catering and hiring normal people to manage it for us but did most of our real business from the cooler and storage rooms in back.  

            Nico was one of Father's henchmen, doubling as one of my two best mates. The other was Declan, Dec for short. He was my right hand man. Being a part of the mob required brains, stealth, and what I like to call people skills, all of which I have. I have another brother, James, but all he cares about is being a playboy. He fucks anything that moves. He should be the one taking over Dad's business but he doesn't even understand how to work everything like I do. When Dad is ready to retire and I'm married he'll hand it over to me. All I have left standing in my way is my lack of a wife; I need to be able to have an heir after all.

            "So did you bring that resume with you?" I ask, still trying to figure out how I knew her. She looks so familiar but I would've remembered meeting a girl as beautiful as she. Her cute little smile was addicting.

            I watched as her tiny, manicured hands dig through her purse, pulling out a portfolio. "Everything should be in here," she says, handing me the binder. No ring on her finger, that's a good sign.

            Delicately I flip through the pages, as if I could break it. Hailey had put effort into this, I could tell. She had all of her reference letters, past employment history, and even pictures of her cooking creations bound together with page protectors in a sleek three ring binder. Damn, this girl has some serious skill.

            "Have you ever worked in a bakery before, Hailey?" I ask, skimming her employment history page.

            "No, I gave some serious thought to becoming an art student before realizing I wanted to go into medicine though. I'm a certified EMT and I have my OEC certification too." Man, talk about over qualified.

            "So what makes you want a job as boring as decorating cupcakes all day? Won't you get bored?" I ask, rather puzzled by her change in career choice.

            "Bored? Here? I couldn't possibly be bored here. It's perfect," she sighed happily. She made my heart beat faster. There was something special about this girl, and I wanted to find out. Scratch that. I didn't want to find out, I NEEDED to find out.

            "I really like what I see here, Hailey. I wouldn't normally do this, but could you stay here for a minute while I run to the back to show this to the owner?" I was trying not to grin but she was perfect. I needed to be the big boss she's scared of, but how can I do that when she makes me act all giddy like this? Fuck.

            "Sure," she says, pulling out a book, already getting comfortable.

            I eyed her as I pushed through the doors to the back, in search of my father. I hope he's in. Without his approval I still can't hire her, since he's still in charge. I see Dec and Nico sitting at a table playing cards. "Hey, either of you seen my dad?" I ask.

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