Entering New Territory

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Entering New Territory

-Tyler’s POV- (Sunday Afternoon)

            “So have you gotten everything figured out yet?” I approach Hailey from behind, wrapping my arms around her waist. She turned to look at my over her shoulder, a huge smile on her face.

            “Yep. I even have everything reorganized in alphabetical order. I was surprised it only took two days, seemed like a big task.”

            “It looks great. Thanks for doing that.”

            “It really wasn’t a big deal, it makes my job easier later on,” she blows it off. Her smile fades rather quickly, “Can I ask you something?” her eyebrows scrunch up on her face, her innocent eyes tugging at my chest.

            “Yeah, babe, ask away. You need something?” I asked, not thinking anything of it.

            “I brought in a step ladder and went through the cabinet where the recipe books were kept, and I found something else in there. I found a gun. Why’s it in there Ty?” She turned around, looking my in the eyes.

            “How much do you know about me Hailey?” Maybe it was time she knew the truth. She must know something after all.

            “Enough,” she blew off the question.

            “I’m serious Hailey. How much?” I pull up her chin, holding her jaw in my hand. “Wait, we shouldn’t talk here,” I look around. I take her hand, leading her to the back, revealing the true business behind the façade of frosting and sugar.

            “Are we…” she paused, looking around, “in the HQ?” her jaw drops a little then shifts into a wicked grin.

            “You like it?” I try to gauge her feelings.

            “Hell, this is genius! You’re a fucking genius!” she exclaims. She turned towards me, pulling my face towards her, her lips grazing mine. “How did you even come up with this?” Her eyes still zipping around, absorbing every detail.

            “My grandfather started it years ago, designed it himself shortly after establishing the Marinos as mafia. It wasn’t too long after the turf war with your grandfather,” she looked at me. “Come see my father’s office,” I led her into the room hidden as a freezer.

            “Wow, this is awesome. Just think, in a few years this will all be yours,” she gazed up at me again.

            “And you’ll be mine too, so it will all be yours too.” I motioned for her to sit on the couch across from my father’s desk. She smiled at me, content with my words. How I wanted her right now, just to take her right here in my father’s office, such a dirty deed. I couldn’t bring myself to do it though, she was too innocent, probably still a virgin.

            “Do you still want to know how much I know?” she asked.

            “Yes. Tell me everything. I want to keep you safe Hailey.” I sat down next to her and within a few seconds she had nuzzled herself into my arms, resting her head in the crook of my shoulder.

            “I know about the family feuds between us. Our grandfathers fought a turf war once or twice, but that ended before your father and mine took over. Our fathers joined in a few business deals before my father almost got caught by the feds. Your father saved mine, leaving the Berettas with a debt towards the Marinos, which is why Declan is here, rather than running my family’s business with Derrick. Dad didn’t want him to, but Declan took on the debt anyways, not seeing a better way to help Derrick in the long run.” She stopped for a minute and the room was so quiet I could hear her breaths. “I knew the bakery was a laundry of some sort, I just hadn’t put two and two together that it was headquarters. How long until you take over?” Her fingers were tracing over the small section of my chest piece not covered by my shirt.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2013 ⏰

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