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There are many planets, within the galaxy with all different kinds of civilizations and inhabitants. Many years ago, two humans from Earth came across a planet known as Purpura Stella. After rescuing its people from enemies known as Phantoms, the people were grateful, crowning these two Outsiders as their new rules. These Outsiders were Stryker Fairchild Flynn and Hannah Mia. Many light-years went by, since they became the new rulers and a miracle was given to them...a new born son, who would become the prince of Purpura Stella. However, after an incident occurred that threatened the planet, the young boy was sent to Earth, where he would be safe. Our story continues, with the young prince; Hiromitsu Mia Flynn.

Intro Music: NEFFEX - Fight Back

Underground Noobies Presents...GUARDIAN (Season: 1)


In a small little room, a young boy was sitting on his bed, holding an ice pack to his left eye. He had short blonde, spiky hair, ocean-blue eyes and rosy-colored skin. His attire was a medium grey jacket (with the sleeves rolled up), blue jeans and grey sneakers. He was also on the phone, speaking with a friend of his.

Are you in trouble?

Hiromitsu: Nah, my aunt gave me a slip.

Well, don't think you'll continue to be lucky.

Hiromitsu: Yeah, I know. By the way, how's your sister?

She seems to be doing alright. I hear she moved in with her boyfriend.

Hiromitsu: Has her boyfriend...gotten lucky?

Not from what I know. She hardly speaks with me.

Hiromitsu: Well, that's what happens, when you're in a relationship.

I hear that. Oh, mom and dad are calling me. I gotta go.

Hiromitsu: Catch ya later, dude.

Hiromitsu hangs up the phone and tried to go to sleep, in his bed. When he finally drifts off, he begins seeing things. It was unlike any dream or any nightmare he's ever had. It looked as though someone was trying to contact him, through his mind. What he saw was a woman with long blonde hair and rosy-colored skin. She was wearing some kind of elegant dress. Next, it quickly changed to a purple planet that was blowing up, people running in fear and some maniac laughing, as if he was enjoying it. That was enough for Hiromitsu to awaken from the images. He was completely sweaty and he could feel his heart beating rapidly. Upon looking at his clock, it was already 6:20. He wiped the sweat from his head and looked towards the outside.

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