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There are many planets, within the galaxy with all different kinds of civilizations and inhabitants. Many years ago, two humans from Earth came across a planet known as Purpura Stella. After rescuing its people from enemies known as Phantoms, the people were grateful, crowning these two Outsiders as their new rules. These Outsiders were Stryker Fairchild Flynn and Hannah Mia. Many light-years went by, since they became the new rulers and a miracle was given to them...a new born son, who would become the prince of Purpura Stella. However, after an incident occurred that threatened the planet, the young boy was sent to Earth, where he would be safe. Our story continues, with the young prince; Hiromitsu Mia Flynn.

Intro Music: NEFFEX - Fight Back

Underground Noobies Presents...GUARDIAN (Season: 1)


In his room, on the planet of Purpura Stella, Hiromitsu was polishing and cleaning his father's weapon called the Ionic Rod. While cleaning it, Hiromitsu examined the weapon, wondering how it came to be and how it can wield so much power. It could control lightning, gives brutal damage and allows the young king to transform into his cyber uniform. As Hiromitsu was in thought, his faithful servant walked into the room, placing a hand on his shoulder.

Halo: Good morning, master.

Hiromitsu: Oh, hello, Halo.

Halo: Are you ready?

Hiromitsu: Ready?

Halo: To go over the rules of Purpura Stella.

Hiromitsu: Oh...right.

Inside the throne room, Hiromitsu was sitting on his father's seat and waited for instructions.

Hiromitsu: So...what am I supposed to do?

Halo: There is not much rules for the throne room...except for when we have visitors.

Hiromitsu: What do the visitors do?

Halo: Well, they will usually come, when they need our help.

Hiromitsu: With...?

Halo: It could be anything. It could be asking us to eliminate the Phantoms of their planet.

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