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A long time ago Hamato Yoshi was happily married to the beautiful Tang-Shin and had three sons Hamato Yoshi used to be human but, then he was mutated into a rat. He and his wife had three wonderful sons so if they were turtles they still loved them. Their life were perfect Intel the foot gang come.

|Before the foot gang came at the Yoshi household|
The three sons names were Michelangelo, Donatello, and Leonardo. Hamato is also called Splinter.

*turns the tv on*

Mikey:What's on big bro?

Leo:No, no, no, Yes.

Donnie:Not this again. Turn to the news.


Splinter:Leonardo, give me the remote.


*turns channel to the news*
*on the tv*

News Reporter:So who attack you?

A Man:They call themselves the foot clan.

News Reporter:Do you know where they are going.

A Man:The leader was holding a turtle and said "their going after someone named Hamato Yoshi".

News Reporter:There you have it. This is Tod Richers signing off.

*turns off tv*

Leo:Daddy what do they want?

Splinter:I don't know but, it can't be good.

|meanwhile at Oroku Saki's house|

Oroku Saki used to be the best friend of Hamato Yoshi but, then he got obsessed with Tang-Shin soon he fell in love with another her name was Mica, she was a mutant snake. They even had a boy together but, she died after giving birth to him so Oroku a.k.a. Shredder was planing to raise him to become the leader of the foot clan when he dies. At this point he's 9 years old(and he's the same age as Leo). The son's name is Raphael.

Raph:Father where are the men going?

Shredder:They need to take care of some unfinished business but, sense the police know they work for me so we need to leave and burn down the house.

Raph:Where are we gonna live?

Shredder:You'll see but, we have to go now.

Then Shredder and his son left, and Shredder burned his house down.

|at the Yoshi household|

*a knock at the door*

Tang-Shin:I'll get it.

Foot Gang Member:Tang-Shin.


Foot Gang Member:We need to talk to your husband.

Tang-Shin:S-S-Splinter honey i-it's for yo-ou.

The Splinter walk to the door where he's wife was and saw the foot clan ninja. Then he whispered something into her ear.

Splinter:Get the boys and start packing I'll be up in a second.


Splinter:What can I do for you?

Foot Clan Member:Nothing.

Then he polled out a gun and was trying to shouted Splinter. But not of no where        Tang-Shin was hit by the bullet instead of Splinter.

Splinter:Leonardo, call 911 now.

Leo:Yes father.

But before the police got there the foot clan ninjas were gone, and just like Shredder said to his son the police came but, they thought they had die in the fire. Boy the were wrong.

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