Hormones and stress

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It has been 4 weeks seen Leo found out that Raph's pregnant and, Raph been saying at Leo's place because of it. Everything was perfect....intel Donnie ask to let them know when the baby is due.

Leo:Donnie, I don't know.

Then Leo whispered to his brother.

Leo:I'm scared.

Donnie:Don't worry.

Raph:I guess I'm kind of scared it's going to hurt.

Donnie:It's not going to even sting but, it will feel funny. Do you want to know or what?

Then Leo and Raph followed Donnie to his lad and, once inside Raph laied down on the table Donnie put some stuff on Raph belly. Donnie was Right to Raph it felt weird but, it work they saw they're little tiny kid.

Donnie:From the looks of it, Raph you have 3 months intel you have to give birth.

Right when Raph heard the word birth he had a flashback of a story his father told him.


When the doctor told her to push again she scared so loud people for space called to complain.

Shredder:Mica come on just a few more pushes.

Then she scared again as she pushed as hard as she could.

Shredder:Come on.

Mica:Oroku, there something need to tell you if I don't make it.

Then she pushed again.


Mica:Know that I love you and that I love our son even if I don't met him. And do what ever it takes to get back at Hamato Yoshi.

Then she pushed as hard as she could again and and heard a little baby crying.

The Doctor: Congrats it's a boy. A little turtle boy.

Shredder:What do you want to call him, Mica?

Then Mica said a name in a whisper. With a smile.


But then she closed her eyes and her smile faded.

Shredder:Mica, Mica!!!

The Doctor:Nurse June came here!!

Nurse June:What wrong Doctor?!

The Doctor:This patient is dying on us we can't let her!!!

Nurse June:Yes Doctor.

Then she got some of the electric thing and shook them together.

Nurse June:Clear! Clear! Clear!

But then the monitor went to a flat line.

Nurse June:I'm so sorry.

But someone from real lid was calling to Raph.




*end of flashback*

In front of Raph was his family and Leo's family. Casey and April were there to but they all stared at Raph who had been crying.

Raph:Why are you all looking at me like that.

Leo:After Don said birth you blackout. We called your family asking them to came over.

Tiger Claw:When we got here you crying in your sleep saying 'no.'

Karai:Bad dream?

Raph:It wasn't a dream.

Love vs War(a Leo x Raph fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now