Stuck in a fire

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It has been 7 weeks sense they found out that Raph is pregnant and, 3 weeks ago they found out Raph will give birth in 3 months. But now Leo wants to find out of it's going to be a boy or a girl.

Leo:Donnie you think Raph and I could find out if we're going to have a boy or a girl?

Donnie:Yeah just bring Raph to the lad.


Then brought Raph to the lad. Like before Raph laied on the table and, Donnie put the stuff on his stomach and looks at the little one on the screen.

Leo:So Don, are we going to have a boy or a girl?

Donnie:You guys are going to have a girl.



Then Leo and Raph walked out of the lad and went into the kitchen to see Mikey.

Leo:Hey bro.

Mikey:Hey Leo.

But when Mikey said hey he didn't look up like something was wrong.

Leo:Mikey what's wrong.

Mikey:Why is Raph the one you love?

Leo:What you are saying...

Mikey:What no no.

Leo:Then what's going on?

Mikey:Raph is part of the foot clan and we're in war with they.

Leo:Yeah so?

But before Mikey could answer Raph's T-phone rang.

Raph:It's Tiger Claw, he wants me to came over. It that okay Leo.

Leo:Go ahead.


Then Raph ran out of the kitchen.

Leo:Look Mikey I know you have concerns but, Raph's family is cool with this and made when we have the baby the war will done for.

Mikey:Okay I believe you.

*meanwhile at the foot lair*

Karai:Raph it's so good to see you.

Raph:You too.

Tiger Claw:It's been too long.

Razer:So is it a boy or a girl.

Raph:A girl.

Fishface:Have you thought of a name yet?

???:Yeah have you thought of one.

Raph:Who are you?

???:Let me introduce myself I am Lucas Jones.

Tiger Claw:What do you want?


Then Lucas pull out a match and the place started to burn.

All of them got out will at least they thought everyone got out.

Karai:Well that was a close one, hey Raph.

Tiger Claw:Raph?


Then though the fire Raph said something.

Raph:Called L(coughs)Leo.

*back at the Hamato lair*

All of them were watching tv intel Leo got a call from Karai.


Karai over the phone:Raph stuck in a fire!!!

Leo:What!! How this happen?!

Karai over the phone:Some guy was in are lair then he started a fire and left Leo you need to get here or, Raph may die!!

Leo:We'll be right over.

Karai over the phone:Okay. Hurry!!

*hangs up T-phone*

Leo:We have to go over to the foot lair now!! Raph's stuck in a fire.

Then Leo Mikey and Donnie ran all the way to the foot lair.

Leo:Where's Raph?

Razer:Stuck inside.

Leo:I'm coming Raph!!!


Then Leo into the fire and gradded Raph.

Raph:I know you would save me.

Leo:Never doubt it for a second.

Then Leo ran out holding Raph princess style.

Karai:Raph are you okay?!

Raph:I'm fine.



Shredder:I'm so glad you're okay. Who did this?

Tiger Claw:He said his name was Lucas Jones.

Leo:That's Casey's brother.

Karai:How do you know.

Leo:We met him. When he found out that Casey was in the Hamato clan he must have done this to stop the war.

Razer:So he tried to kill us?

Leo:Shredder, only you can stop the war if it continues people will start getting hurt.

Shredder:Okay, from this moment on the war is done.

But what they didn't know is that another war was just getting started.

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