The Familiar Spirit:, Secne 6

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I sat in bed alone; I had been very restless that night and very troubled in mind after that whole ordeal the night before.

I could still practically hear her pleads for forgiveness whispering into my open ears; ravishing my head with thoughts of fear and horror.

Her eyes still gleam in mine; her image forever pressed into mine, into my head; she roams my hearts floor as if it is her own, and as if it is her home.

Still though I fear what is to come; not knowing what truly awaits at the doors of my troubling soul; will she reveal the secret of who she is to me, or will she not.

Adam's Journal Log: Where She Roams

I arrived home after doing some deep research at the library; I had spoke with the librarian girl again, she seems rather fond of me.

I enter my home, removing my tie and hat; but as I stand taking off my coat, a breeze of coldness caresses my cheeks.

The skin on my cheeks fluster red; could it be her, could it be the hands of the unseen. I shall not resist anymore, the books instructed to try and make contact with it.

"Are you here?" I inquire boldly; my hands still trembling at the thought of this. "Answer me now!" I demand, pounding a fist against the wall; and then it grows eerily quiet, to quiet.

"You belong to me Adam!" A disembodied voice howls eerily; its voice not that of the women, but that of a masculine man.

"I am not your property; now you must leave!" I order and demand with authority, but its no use; it has claimed me as its possession.

"Don't you forgive me?" The disembodied voice says softly and timidly; as a ghostly apparition manifests before me.

I stand speechless and merely paralyzed; but I manage to muster the strength to move closer to it. "Who are you?" I inquire curiously with a sparkling marvel in my eye.

It seems the closer I get to her, the stronger I become; regaining more and more strength in my once weakening limbs. "I want to help you" I confess; intrigued by her angelic beauty.

She stares me deep within the eyes; penetrating the elements of my souls windows, then she vanishes into thin air.

Leaving me longing for a answer, for a explanation; and most frightening to say: her.

To be continued...

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