Facing The Beast: Scene. 16

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Through the house I was led by the ghost of the murdered women; she takes me to a dark basement, and vanishes.

Now left alone to face the beast; I must prepare myself for a battle between both good and evil.

Down the steps I step; each step creaking and cracking with the slightest touch.

As I am getting further and further inside; I hear the door slam shut behind me. I jump at the sudden sound, and continue my quest.

Soon I am at the last step; I take that last step down into the devils mouth.

"I know who are, and what you did to that poor women; and I bet your hear to do the same thing to Madison. But I won't let you, I won't let you have her; because I love her." I spat into the air above and beneath me; thick heaviness engulfs the air of the room in which I stand.

As my heartbeats with rapacity; as my head spins and my hands quiver. The air cold with death and rage; darkness and fear all surround me. And then he appears; dressed in the same old fashioned clothes her wore in the vision.

I step back a few steps, and ask "Where is she Edward?" He grins sinisterly as he disappears into the shadows.

"Adam!, Adam!, help me please!"She cries for me; so loudly I could feel her vibrations throughout my entire body, so loud it gave me chills.

To the cries I rush, blindly into the shadows of the dark; then it lites up with a bloody red glow and there hung my dear Madison.

"Madison, oh my dear god no!" I voice in regret and sorrow; she had been there because of me and I was suppose to protect her. "Come on stay with me!" I beg as her eyelids fluttered and dimmed.

"God dammit you stay with me; I've got you!" I holler out painfully as I unhooked her from the meat hook. To the ground I laid her cold trembling body, as she groans and moans in agony. "Madison, listen to my voice. You have to listen to my voice sweetheart."

In my arms I hold her head; lying her across my lap. She gasps and gasps and yet finds no intake of air; her gasps become shorter with every attempt at breathing. "Madison!" I cry, holding her even tighter in my longing arms.

Then from her lips a whisper escapes "I love you...Ad...Ad...am!" She whispers between gasps, short gasps until nothing; her heart slows its beat and her eyes fix open: This is all my fault; I let her get involved with my research. I should've never gotten her into this.

On her forehead I place a last kiss; before sliding my fingers over her eyes and shutting her lids together. "Why did you kill her; uh?, you wanted me didn't you. Then why'd you take her life." I shout out as a mad man, taring my shirt from my body and falling to the basements floor.

"Why did you take her; she was all I had you monster." I whisper with a hung head and tear filling eyes; where could she had been if she hadn't not met me. What kind of life would she had lived if she had not became a candle on my window seal: Perhaps happy and married, with five little rascals running her mad.

"No; I would still be with you: in your heart." A disembodied Madison whispers back into my ear aching ears; she is with me. "I am so sorry Madison; I was foolish to bring you into this." I cry in streams of tears, as a warmth overshadows me.

"I will always be with you." Madison whispers to me; not in a audible voice this time. But in my heart. "To defeat evil; you must fight it with love. And now you have the love of two souls, mine and yours."

To my feet I stand; regaining the courage and will to finish what me and Madison had started. So I puff my chest and turn up my nose in boldness with the spirit of Madison to guide and strengthen me.

"I am not afraid of you; I am not going to let you win. This battle is set and it ends here." I declare with the love of a million sparrows, with the love of both fire and ice. "You fool!" Edward speaks with a distort ghoulish voice; as he manifests before me.

"No, I'm no fool. You are; you see, you tried to break me; but in your evil diabolical quest, you only made me stronger!" I spoke with authority and with the courage of a thousands prancing loins.

"Ha ha ah!, if you were really strong; you would have been able to save her from me: but you could not and you failed her."he spoke with devilish words; playing off of my guilt and loss. "Go back to hell, were you came from!" I spat back; beating at my bare chest.

"After you!" Edward spoke in a devilish tone, as a serpent of lies and deceit; He knows my weakness and see right through my skin. "This ends now!" I roar aloud; the time has come.

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