She Visits Yet Again:Scene. 10

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The night grew darker, and the glooming moon illuminated the walls of my room; casting eerie silhouettes across the bedrooms wooden floor.

As I tossed and turned; restless as like other times, with the small creeping thought of her, of the silver gowned lady.

And then in the breeze there was a ghostly change; I could now see a blue midst manifesting silently within my room.

"Adam..." I hear..."Adam..." I hear once more; but there is no one, though I can feel her near, close, right beside me.

Then there she appears draped in her signature silver flawless gown; lying at my feet as she would always do and glaring eerily into my eyes.

Though this time is different; I could move freely and could also speak. Was she now allowing me to ask her what I have sought to ask her: since she became a nightly visitor of mine.

"Who are you?" I ask, not even thinking of what to say; just letting what's in out to her pale devilish shaped ears. "I am the night; and you are my moon." She answers with a ghostly echo; following behind each word flowing from between her red lipstick stained lips.

"What does that mean?" I inquire at her mercy; if she does not tell me, then who will. "Silence; I will be with you tonight." She reveals in a ghoulish voice; it gave me furious chills, and a greater headache.

"Wait...Why do you keep coming to me at this exact time at night; is this some sort of a sign for me and I am missing it?" I question boldly and without fear of piercing moon blue eyes; which gleams as the stars, yet glows like the moon.

"Just obey me; and lay down." She demands more dominantly; her touch becoming more forceful. "no, stop it." I refuse her tempting grasp; as she tares my shirt open, exposing my bare chest. "Stop it!" I hollered out as loud as I possibly could; casting her far away and from my room: who and what could she be...

To be continued...

Hope you enjoyed this first chapter into my original story: Adam Manes: Dark Moon Rising

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Hope you enjoyed this first chapter into my original story: Adam Manes: Dark Moon Rising.

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