3; Kian Caylen.

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*yesterday was the day that Kian Lawley became Kian Caylen*

*those pants and shoes look like they belong to jc , i'm getting vibes*

I didn't say anything yesterday because he pissed me off and I felt like being petty and ignoring his texts and phone calls and I was too busy beating ass and getting my ass beat in mortal kombat.

anyways , I will forever and always appreciate kian just because I feel like we're the same in so many ways and I don't know there's just something about who he is that makes me love him so much. my everyday life is all about him and my brother. They made me happy after a long time of depression , I started smiling more , being more active and being more social and now look where I'm at.

I have friends.

I had a girlfriend.

I'm kind of a big deal on here to yall so that makes me feel great.

I'm actually wanted somewhere.

he joined youtube because he wanted to be apart of something

and I joined wattpad because I FELT like I needed to follow my dream and WRITE which is what i fucking love and not to mention that jian is my motivation and the reason why I'm still working on my writing and not giving up this so called ''talent'' that people say that I have.

Kian , you're 21 and I'm happy that you lived to see another birthday but don't you ever BECOME LIKE DOM OR JC. It's okay to drink and party but not every single day of your life.

don't be like jc and date a minor.

don't be like me and fuck up your relationship.

don't be like donald trump and fuck up america more.

don't be like a murderer and not clean up your mess.

okay no , forget that last one. <sorry , my humor sucks>

but okay yeah I'm done.

I love you dude.

call me back!

call me back!

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