37 ; no hate.

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It's not that I think Meredith is a hoe or it's because she cheated on ethan? right. i don't care about that because you can't judge people because of their mistakes that they did in the past but as for her and kian dating? I can't take that seriously. People think that JIAN SHIPPERS HATE the girls that knj are involved with because we ship them together but that's not it . I just know when something is real and when something is gonna be trouble and heart ache. I know things that are gonna happen before they actually do happen.

do i think his announcement is about her? LOL NAH B. she ain't that important.

It's about his movies , I'm sure of it.

and as for as JIA. okay..they're friends and they're filming for tagged so GUESS WHAT. I'm COOL WITH THEM HANGING OUT.

Lia is cool with me.

Lia is cool with me

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