10 ; Kian and Jc.

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If people are gonna get offended by what I say and take me seriously then please leave my book. I think in my second book , I was more opened about how I felt about Jc . I love both of them ok? I joke , I never mean the shit that I say. I mean damn..I am never serious so stop and stay out yo feelings.  I have a hate/love relationship with Jc and that's why I look at him as my brother so I tend to talk shit about him.

but it's not like I hate him or I want him dead or anything.


somebody called Kian irrelevant and they are a so called ''fan.'' but only one person got on her for it

but if I diss Jc's looks then I'm hated on by the whole world. HELLO , this is the fifth book and u haven't caught on to my humor

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