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I just wanna say that I don't have anything against kian's sister , but I'm gonna have to knock her off of her high horses,  just for a minute.

First of all , I can understand Andrea has threw hella shade towards kian , so I already knew that somebody was gonna shade her back sooner or later, BUT THIS IS NOT WHAT I AM PISSED OFF ABOUT.

I hate the fact that tab is supporting his illegal relationship , but I'm mad at the damn fact that she said that WE WOULD POUNCE ON KIAN IF WE HAD THE CHANCE.

like, who? who about to date and fuck kian? No, like your brother is very cute,  but he ain't shit to me when it comes to the dating game.

I don't fuckin want him and I never will
Just because he's famous does not make my pussy pop

the fact that he has money don't excite me

and the fact that he dates girls that are my age does not please me.

I don't like his ass and I'm so damn tired of motherfuckers saying that we would be quick to hop on knj 's dicks , LIKE GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE


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