Part 25

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Aloha Rowebots! I just wanted to say that the end is NEAR! Maybe about 2-3 more chapters. It's a little sad, but I'm intending to write another romance story called Annika. It's not technically with Charlie Rowe in it but the boy in the story LOOKS like him. Also please keep voting!!!


You and Me by Lighthouse was playing but you could hear it faintly. I reminded you of something familiar. Sitting in a room, a boy playing the guitar, singing in an amazing voice, and watching him strum it without any mistakes.

And that was Charlie Rowe.

You felt a lump in your throat. You wanted Charlie. And you wanted him now. You felt something wet go down your face.

A simple tear.

You flickered your eyes. The vision of a white room came to you but very blurry. It started to clear up. You were in a hospital. "Again! Why does everything bad happen to me?" you thought.

A nurse walked to you. She gasped.

"Your awake!" she said.

"Wait what do you mean I'm awake?! Have I been in a..." you said.

She nodded.

"It's been a week. We thought you'd never survive. The car hit you on the side where you were sitting. You badly hurt. It cracked open your head."

You felt your head. Another stitch. Great.

You looked over a saw your dad sleeping in a chair. You sighed and smiled.

"Should I wake your father and tell him your awake?" she asked.

You nodded. He probably felt extremely bad since he was driving the car.

The nurse gently shook your father and whispered,"Mr. ___? Your daughter is awake."

He hesitantly started getting up slowly. He opened his eyes real wide.

"___! You're awake!" he exclaimed.

"Hi dad!"

He ran to you and gave you a bear hug.

"I love you sweetheart," he muffled in your hair.

You smiled. "Me too."

Charlie's POV

A week earlier...

My mum's phone rung at the dinner table. She took it out of her pocket and looked at the screen. We weren't allowed to answer our phones during dinner but the look on her face, it looked important.

"Let me answer this," she said.

She walked away. I shrugged and kept eating our dinner.

Ten minutes later and her eyes were a little puffy. I gave her a confused look.

"What's up mum?"

She sniffed and said,"I need to speak with you Charlie. Alone."

I stood up and followed her to her bedroom. I sat on the bed and she sat next to me.

"Charlie, that was Mrs. ___ who called about ___," she said.

"What's up?"

"Honey, Mr. ___, Tyler, and ___ were riding home from the court session when a drunk driver hit the side of the car where she sat. It cut open her skull deeply and..."

"And what mum? Please! Tell me!"

"She ended up in the hospital in a coma. But sweetheart, she might not survive."

I was silent. No this can't be happening. Why does something bad always happen to her? Oh gosh. I put my head in my hands. I let all the tears out. Those last to words were killing me. Might not survive. Not ___. She's a fighter. She's strong, loving, kind, and full of spirit.

My mum wrapped her arms around me. She held me and comforted me.

Your POV


Your whole family was around you talking happily. Including your mom and dad. During a small silence your phone rang. You looked at the screen.

Moffat, Steven

You gasped and answered the phone.

Peter and Wendy (A Charlie Rowe Love story)Where stories live. Discover now