• I was there but i wasn't •

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Chapter 3


You're gone and I swear I don't need a reminder,

The people I'm around..I can tell they don't care and they'll never get kinder.

I can pin point who my real friends are,

I guess it took time to see,

But the people I thought cared the most, don't even think to talk to me.

I've told you this a million times in my prayer that I've fallen,

This time I know you're the only one worth callin'

I'm confused and stuck, I know I've told you this too,

But I just can't imagine anything without you.


Jaelyn's P.O.V

2 weeks later~


The sun had risen, shining brightly through my sheer choral curtains as I lazily pressed snooze on my alarm. I sat in my bed for a while trying to decide whether I was really ready to go back to school. I sighed and got up. I dragged all the way to the bathroom looking at the mirror. My face had more color, it wasn't as pale. It was finally back to my soft caramel-tawny colored complexion with a hint of golden. My eyes weren't as dull and my hair looked as if it had new growth. I hopped in the shower letting the water turn from Luke warm to scorching hot. I took off my clothes and stepped in letting the water massage my back. Lathering my towel i suddenly smelled the soft elegant soap as I covered my bare skin with suds. Knowing I was going to be late, I stepped out 30 minutes later. Getting dressed, I slipped on a dark scarlet blouse tucking it in my high waist black jeans.

I took a slight glance in my full body mirror. I thought I looked decent. My hair was just what I needed to take care of.

I had already washed and conditioned my hair in the shower so I blow dried my taut brown hair and straightened it. I noticed it got a bit thicker and longer. It didn't bother me much. After I was done, I curled part of my bangs to make it look feathered and tucked the loose hairs on the left side behind my ear. I realized I looked a little plain so I added earrings and I accidentally came across my favorite necklace. I lifted the gold piece and smiled. Engraved in dark grey it has my initials next to his.

I slowly put the locket on and thought it went perfectly with my outfit since the studs on my shirt were gold too.

I eased out of the bathroom after getting ready doing all the hygiene and putting on clothes. I saw that Amiya was almost ready.

"Look who's up?" Amiya says with a slight smirk.

"Yeah...I know I've missed a lot.. Well not too much but I need to go back to school I suppose" I said lazily. Can't run away from my problems forever.

"You missed drama too" Amiya says shaking her head in shame. I honestly thought she had already caught me up with everything but I guess not.

"Who's driving?" I asked changing the subject. Drama wasn't really what I wanted to talk about. More bad news wasn't what I needed. Even if it was just simple. I'd rather not.

"Me" she says dangling her keys proudly.

"Oh god. Don't drive too fast."

"What other way is there to drive?" She says laughing.

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