The Beginning

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 The town is quiet. Soft, cold snow is slowly making its way down from the  coal black sky, sugarcoating the rooftops, the cars, and streets with a soft and thin layer of  iciness. All I can hear was the distant howls of wolves in the cold forest, and the loud voices and laughter of the neighbors across the still river. I press my face to the window, trying to see  what they were doing, I am breathing strongly; making the glass foggy and impossible to properly see through, that's why I am constantly wiping the window.

 At my neighbor's house, I could see men and woman of all shapes and sizes, having a good time. Woman are wearing long dresses, with pretty shoes appearing  very expensive, they also have decorative bows and feathers in their hair. Whilst the men are wearing suits and pants, with ties and black lacked shoes. Soon I recognized the owner of the house, known as the Gold Maker, but his name is Jack, he is a  short, bald, middle aged man, around forty years old, he has a mustache that curves up on each of the ends. Mr. Jack is wearing a gray suit,with matching pants, he has a gold hand-watch hanging out of his side pocket.His shoes are black with, what I thought, were diamonds. I could be right, I thought to myself, he is a wealthy man after all. 

Suddenly my eyes caught sight of a figure, it was a slim  young woman, maybe in her mid-thirties, with long pitch black hair that ran down to her waist, she is wearing a red silky dress,showing off her curves, and has wonderful black high heels on. I was very intrigued by this woman,wiping the window to properly see her and follow her around with my eyes. Something strange hit me about her, like as though she is different from the rest, she has those bright, but yet, dark yellow eyes, reminding me of those from a wolf. Goosebumps were starting to spread all over my body  when suddenly a loud scream coming from downstairs startled me. It was my mother.

"Lucy! Come down, Susan is here" she screamed up the stairs. " I'm coming!" I answered back, knowing the short temper she had when we had guests. I took a last look at Mr.Jack's house and went running to my bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror, my  wavy dark brown hair was a mess as if a hurricane had  swirled through  it. My  almond  complexion, smooth skin, was releasing  the aroma of sweet honey, whilst shimmering brightly.  My skinny arms hanging down my sides, and my big, innocent  dark brown chestnut colored eyes stared back at me. I brushed my hair to untangle it and get the  slight frizz under control, packing it up to a nice, loose bun. I put on a nice pair of dark blue jeans, with a white, long-sleeved blouse.Running towards the door I grabbed my pink hoody and rushed down the stairs.

 Once  down,  I saw Susan, my mums best friend, a slender yet muscular woman, with short blond hair that stopped at her chin, and bright blue eyes, putting on my hoody I went over to greet her. My dad, mum, and Susan were all at the table, which was in the living room, chatting cheerfully and laughing their heads off. Susan soon saw me, stood up and gave me a hug that took the breath out of my lungs. She let me go and I was silently gasping for air " My god Lucy! How you've grown! You are a young lady as far as I can see, how is everything? Do you like it here? How is school?" she asked me joyfully barely taking a breath between each word. " Thanks, life is really relaxing here,and calm, I am loving the nature and freedom here in Damerel, school is fine, getting good grades and having a lot of fun with my friends". I said with a soft tone of voice. Susan then smiled at me, kissed me on the forehead and said "That's great, that's really great" and walked back to the table. Mum gave me a look that meant, you can go now, I don't need you here.

I went up the stairs back to my room, anger bubbled inside me, why did mum not want me to stay with them? I wanted to talk to Susan too, since I have not seen her for an entire year!  The anger was getting worse by the second I opened the window, fresh cool air brushed into my face, taking a deep breath I turn around and went to open my cupboard. Ready for a night walk to clear my mind and ease the anger, I started to pack my small handbag with my torch, phone,lip balm, and knife. The knife is important to me, it makes me feel safer, just in case something or someone might attack me. Once down the stairs again, I slipped my winter boots on and  said " Mum I am going outside for some fresh air, see you later, bye Susan" without giving my mum time to answer the door was closed behind me, the fresh breeze hit my face, I inhaled deeply and started walking through the thin but yet slippery layer of ice that coated the floor. I kept walking and walking, not caring about the world, just thinking to myself in silence.

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