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I was looking up to the white ceiling, panting. I felt a soft hand on my paw. Paw?! Everything came rushing back, I remembered what had been happening for the last 2 hours or so. I was a wolf, I had shifted into a wolf! " Hey cutie pie, how you doing? You feeling alright?" exclaimed Mrs.Brickle while squeezing my paw. " Help! I Need to go home. Heeelp!" I screamed, while trying to get on my legs, but all that came out was wolf whimpering and howling. " Wowow there, calm down! I cant understand you if you don't have a clear mind you need to be focused on communicating with me darling, or I wont be able to help you." she exclaimed taking a step back from me and the bed. I did not listen I just kept wiping and whining until I was out of breath, I managed to get on my side nevertheless, big achievement.

Brandon POV

She opened her now beautiful sapphire blue eyes, panting heavily, then as if a wave of memories hit her, she started to try to get off her back and onto her paws, trying to talk but all that came out of her soft lips were whining and howling. Mrs.Brickle understood what Lucy was trying to accomplish and explained her what she had to do to communicate with others. Nevertheless she kept howling and whimpering, until she gave up and rolled on to her side. She was just laying there, peacefully, her small,fragile body exhausted.

Lucy POV

I just lay there, exhausted, and scared. I was trying my best to communicate with Mrs.Brickle, nothing happened, Mrs.Brickle was just staring at me with desperate eyes. I tried once more and then I heard a voice, but not in the room, in my mind! "Help me! I need to get out of here now, or my parents are going to kill me, please Mrs.Brickle I beg you!" I screamed inside my head. " SHHHH! Don't scream, your going to make me deaf!" Mrs.Brickle exclaimed with a dry and harsh voice. " Sorry..." I whispered. " Okay, now that we are connected with our minds, tell me what you need to tell me, silently." she said softly, her soothing voice calming me down. " I need to go home now, or else my parents are going to call the cops, and I would be grounded for a week. Please, if you have a car or something just drive me home now!" I said, starting to panic again. Brandon shot a look at me, his bright yellow green eyes full of confusion. " Okay darling, we have no car, you will ride on Shimmer, she shall bring you back home safely in no time." she said and stood up walking towards the door. " Shimmer? Who is shimmer and...ride?!" I exclaimed, with a squeaky voice. " Darling stop asking and just listen for once! Shift back to your human form and meet me outside! Understood?!" she screamed in my head angrily. I wanted to ask how to transforms back, but I did not want to make her more angrier than she already was. " Yes ma'am" I said. The door closed shut behind her. I totally forgot that Brandon and the doctor were here too, and they were staring at me, Brandon with a smirk on his face.

" So, I am guessing she told you to shift back and meet her outside, but you don't know how to shift back to your human form right?" he said with a stupid smile on his face. I nodded, anger staring to bubble up inside me. " All you have to do is picture yourself in human form and you will shift back, and don't forget your clothes" he said, again with a stupid grin. I growled at him. " alright, just a joke, no need to get all alpha. Meet you outside." he said exiting his house with the doctor, and closing the door.

I followed his instructions and imagined myself in human form, I was still on the bed so I rolled on to my back. My bones started cracking, and moving in a very painful way. I closed my eyes, grasped for the bed sheets with my claws,that were transforming into fingers, and took deep breaths. After a minute or so, I was cold, in the bed, in my human form. " Finally!" I thought to myself. I grabbed my clothes which were on the floor and put them on, I slipped into my winter boots and ran to the door. I swung it open, to find a huge, gigantic and mountainous; golden dragon.

My jaw dropped, and I just starred at it with awe. " Come on Lucy, lets go, or do you want your parents to ground you?" said Mrs. Brickle with a smile on her face. Hands suddenly grabbed my shoulders, and spun me around, facing towards the door. Brandon. " Back to Earth Lucy!" he giggled. I snapped out of my hypnotization and starred into his eyes, embarrassed I felt my cheeks turn red. I got out of hist grasp and turned to Mrs. Brickle who had a smirk on her face. " Its not what you think Mrs. Brickle!" I said with gritted teeth, while walking past her to the dragon. "This is Shimmer, she is one of our gifted shifters here and she will give you a ride home ok?You are not afraid of heights right?" she asked. " Thanks, and no I am not afraid of heights Mrs. Brickle." I said whilst waving her and Brandon goodbye. Shimmer, stretched out one of her huge legs, and said " Climb on" via mind communication. I caught a clips of the doctor as he disappeared into the crowd of people.

I just smiled and looked after him, then smiled at Mrs. Brickle and climbed up Shimmer's leg onto her back, and immediately grabbing onto her golden scales and the long sun-gold mane. I took a last look at Mrs. Brickle and Brandon, when we lifted up into the air. We kept rising, higher and higher. I looked down and Brandon, and Mrs. Brickle were just two grains of sand in the green jungle, surrounded by houses and huts. " Hey is the exit not where I came in from, the wooden door?" I asked. " No, that is the entrance, the exit is high up, in level with the woods" she exclaimed. " So you are practically still joined with our village and the normal world?" I asked. " Normal world? We all are one, remember that! Now please grab on to my mane, because we are about to exit!" she screamed, a cold wind hit my face and we were out in the woods. We were going high above the tree tops, I could see miles and miles of forest, and lights, Damerel! I could see everything from here. We whooshed, and zoomed past trees, the moon shining on the frozen river ahead of us. My hair had gotten all loose now, and was swinging wildly behind me. My hand bag, with my belongings, hanging and swaying on the side of my hip. We were closing in to Damerel, my home. Shimmer started to slowly descent to the snowy floor, of the winter woods. We landed safely not far from my house. " Here we are, can you walk to your house alone or should I come with you?" Shimmer asked. Jumping off her back and landing on the icy soil. " Thank you Shimmer, I can walk home alone, I hope to see you again some time" I said reaching in for a hug when she lifter her huge leg, and put it around my back and shoulders. I was hugging a dragon! I wanted to pinch myself at that moment to see if this was all just a dream, but the warmth shimmer gave out, from her cold scales just kept me snuggling in more. She lifted her huge, mountain-heavy leg off my back and stepped backwards. She sighed and a big cloud of warm smoke came out her nostrils. I laughed, and looked into her golden orange eyes. " If you go to school, and feel that you will shift, go to a secluded place to do so, and then shift back to your human form. Take care, see you soon." she said with our mind connection. " Thank you again, and yes I will; bye Shimmer, it was a pleasure to meet you!" I yelled after her, as she disappeared into the woods on her way back to Heartmaw.

I started walking towards my house, taking my phone form my bag I checked the time,12:10 AM. Placing my phone back into my bag I ran to my house. I yanked open the door, took off my boots and ran to the living room. My parents were sitting on the sofa,my mum in tears, sobbing into my dads shirt. He turned his head to look at me, anger and disappointment in his eyes. My mum then looked up and saw me, stood up and ran to me, giving me a big hug. " Lucy where the hell were you?!" She screamed, tears rolling down her pale cheeks. " If I told you, you wouldn't believe me" I said, snuggling into her chest. " Sweetie, I was worried sick about you?! You are grounded for the whole week! No friends can come over, no phone, no television,nothing!" She yelled at me. My dad walked up to us. " Lucy go to your room, take a shower,brush your teeth and go to bed.You better have a damn good explanation for this tomorrow, you hear me?!" he screamed angrily at me, I wiggled out of my mums grip, and ran upstairs to my room. I took a shower, brushed my teeth, combed my hair,and put on my PJs. I closed my door, and jumped onto my bed; snuggling into the blanket, and fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2017 ⏰

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