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It was staring at me, the emerald green eyes piercing my soul. This horse, is huge, twice the size of a normal one, its a female. Her hooves are unscratched and designs that seemed like a language are embedded in them. Her fur is Pinto, black big spots were on her white fur it as if they were delicately painted on her. Her mane and tail were snow white with a mixture of black. Her ears are up high, colored a faded black, on her forehead she has a milky diamond shape, which has a symbol,looking closer, it is a horse hoof, its design is so exquisite and complicated. I am glued to the ground, like a statue.

" We have been awaiting you, young lady." her soft sweet voice said.

"I am Ms. Brickle, nice to finally meet you sweetheart." she said,her sweet voice ringing in my ears.

" Hi ma'am, It a pleasure to meet you too" I answer shyly. She snorted,twitching her ears she steps backward, a breeze hit my face and I close my eyes.When I open them, a young lady is standing in front of me, Mrs.Brickle. She was beautiful, her long straight white hair, with black stripes ran down to her lower back. Her skin was pale white,her cherry lips forming a warm smile and her emerald eyes filled with care and happiness;she was wearing a white airy dress with floral patterns on it,that showed all of her curves in the right places. She had a silver necklace, with the same hoof that was on her forehead in horse form, hanging as a charm around her neck. White sandals protected her feet.

"Well, now I can finally give you a hug" she exclaimed walking to me ,giving me a bear hug that took the breath out of my lungs.

She steps back and gives me smile,holding my shoulders. " Follow me, I will be your guide. I apologize that Brandon just ran off, but he was butt naked in the freezing cold; don't know why he shifted before entering" she shakes her head and a smile creeps on her face.

" It's pretty cozy in here, how do you keep it so warm?"I ask changing the topic. while starting to walk.

" Well sweetheart, we shapeshifter have a lot of secrets, and powers. We keep this place warm by a variety of different sources, one is a gemstone that has a lot of power, we also use our power, but that is only on emergency ,and there are many different ways, but you will be taught that later. " she explained while we kept walking the path towards lights, houses,and noise.

Soon after a long silence, we were at the end of the passageway and the walls that were on each side disappeared, now what I saw was space, tons of space.There were huts and buildings all around, lanterns filled and lighted the rocky paths and streets. Trees were everywhere, thick trunks,splintered into the ground,embedding in it permanently.The villagers were a mix of humans,cats,birds,tigers,wolfs,and so much more, just walking peacefully as if none of them were prey or predators. It was as if the city or town was on the same level as the winter woods. It seemed so unreal that for a second I thought this was a dream.

"Get back here you bastard! Give me my homework!" a girl screamed running passed us.

" Hey, watch out, you will run someone over! Mrs.Brickle yelled after her, shaking her head.

"Well,this is Heartmaw, it is quite a place, but don't worry you will get used to it and the people. Now at least you are not alone. And I will show you to your house where you will be staying, you don't have to share or anything ,everyone here has his or her own house unless they ask for a roommate. Oh and you-.." I cut her off raising my hand to speak, she nodded at me to go on.

" Ma'am, I appreciate all of this, but I have a home, and I can't stay here. I don't know how late it is but I am sure my parents are worried sick already, and I have no clue how long it will take to go back, I have a time limit too. On top of that, your claiming I am with my kind, even though I am no wolf, I am not a shapeshifter, I have not even transformed at any point until now." I exclaimed feeling very uncomfortable with this new world.

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