Secret passage way

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 My hair,flying through the wind, eyes closed, arms gripping around B's fur. It has been hours since we started this little journey, and my legs were starting to  go numb. I wanted to move them badly, but I pushed that thought to the back of my head. Opening my eyes, I soon was looking down to the forest floor, passing under me,I could see everything,to the tiniest little detail.  I just kept gazing around in disbelief of how well I could see, even though it was  pitch black. Brandon's pace started to get slower until it came to a stop. "we're here" he said panting "Where? There is nothing here Brandon"I asked stupidly. " Then you are blind! look closer" he said. My pupils focused and searched the forest for any sign of a pathway or something, when I saw a  shimmering knob.  I got off Brandon's back and walked towards it. It was a wooden door, covered in fresh moss, the trees around it also weren't covered in snow, instead  they were green with leaves and moss, the floor had grass and flowers too. The door itself was surrounded and 'held by' massive thick roots that sunk into the soft,fertile ground. " Open it, it's your entrance to this new world. " Brandon's said, with a slight giggle. Soon he was beside me in his, sexy and breathtaking human form, naked. I didn't turn around because I wasn't ready to see his naked body again,but I was picturing him in my head. 

" Open the door already will ya!" he said impatiently, he was in the freezing cold naked, I don't blame him. Even though everything was green here, it was still  cold. I reached my arm out and pulled the cold knob, the door swung open. There was a passageway in front, It was dark but a wave of heat melted my freezing cheeks. Brandon pushed me aside, his strong arms almost knocking me over " sorry" he screamed as he walked inside, disappearing into the depths of the passageway. 

I slowly entered, the heat welcoming me, I closed the door behind me, creating a loud squeaking noise. Walls of dirt surrounded me on each side, left and right. On them were lanterns, giving some light into this black path.  I walked forward, steadily " Brandon...where are you?" I yelled with a slightly freaked voice. I heard something get closer. I held my breath. I listened. Then I saw it, enormous, hard-bodied, and magnificent.

To be continued....


** Thanks for reading this chapter of Wolf Love, I hope you like it, I am going to start making my chapters shorter and more exciting, if you have any suggestions for this book please comment down below. I am a new writer, so I will accept all suggestions. Thank you**

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