Uncharted Emotions

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OK no idea where this is going but hope you like it! I'm trying not to copy others but it really hard because everything has already been written, but this is my take on my ideal Dan Howell fanfic.

p.o.v Gabby

I lay in bed with my laptop on my lap, staring at the screen wondering what I was doing with my life. I have just moved so far away from home... what was I thnking moving all the way from Edinburgh to London. It was 1:22 am and I could still hear cars and people hurrying about the streets. I turned to look at the boy sleeping next to me, he was so peaceful with is long brown hair covering his perfect face. In that moment I knew he was the reason I moved. Eight months ago I met Dan, he was in Edinburgh with his friends Phil, Pj and Chris, they had travelled up north to Scotland for a meet up with their Scottish fans, me being one of them.

*Flash back*

It was the most excited I'd been in years, i had been counting down for weeks and finally the day came for me to meet my internet idols. I put on my favourite black skiny jeans, a pink teeshirt that said 'fantasticfoursome' that had made, and black hoodie. I wondered into the crowded city looking out for my favourite guy in the world, and well it turned 3 o'clock and I gave up looking and decided to go shopping instead. I walked into my favourite comic book shop and was tackled down by this 6ft3 brown eyed guy with the cutes dimples i'd ever seen. Laying on the flood with this random guy on top of me a squirmed trying to release myself, I riggled myself out from under him, stepping back into another guy I had to asume they were friends, embarrassed i wispered "eep sorry". I started to walk away when a hand grabbed me and the boy anounced "I'm so sorry, my friend Phil was chasing me and well I didnt exactly see you..." he looked down at my small stature and continued to say under his breath, "wow how did i miss her" however what he didnt realise was that It was loud enough for me and Phil to hear.

At first I avoided looking at the guys face but then realising what he had just said and his voice seemed all to familiar, I was 100% sure i knew that voice, I looked up and there was Dan Howell standing holding my arm and staring into my pail green eyes. My wildest dream had just came true.

I managed to hold myself together and not fangirl infront of them, I looked puzzled back and fourth between Dan and Phil and I didnt know what to say, the only thing that came out of my mouth in that moment was "wheres Peej and Chris, i thought y'all came together". In that moment I knew I had ruined my chance of pretending I didn't know who they were. Both Phil and Dan smiled at me and Phil giggled whislt saying "they are upstairs looking for a totoro toy."

"They're wasting their time...'' I stared into Dan's brown eyes, "if they want a totoro, they are all in the plush toy section down here" pointing to the shelves in the back downstaris. Dan's dimples featured for a second or two before disapearing when he muttered the words "Thanks, you really know your stuff". I started to walk away, turning my back and blushing when I heard Dan say "Hey, wait! I... we dont even know your name. How are Peej and Chris going to thank you if we cant find you". I spun on the spot and giggled "My names GamingGabby, but most people call me Gabby or Gab, considering most people I know aren't YouTubers."

"It was nice to meet you GamingGabby, I hope to be seeing you again sometime" Phil said before leaving to go find the other boys, but dan stayed staring at me as if i was a new species of pokemon or something. He looked me up and down and finally came to rest on my shirt which made him laugh and well all I managed to say was "I'm a big fan if you hadn't already realised, oh and tell Phil it was nice to meet him too. Bye Dan" ugh that sounded so weird, i was internally cringing at myself. Although I felt better after i heard this leave Dan Howells mouth "hey gabby, do you want to meet me.... I mean me and the rest of the guys for dinner tonight. Well we are leaving in the morning and well you are definetly the best person we have met this trip, and well I also would really like to see you again... if you want?"

This was it. My life was complete Danisnotonfire wanted to see me again. He wanted to see me... ME OF ALL PEOPLE AHHHHHHHHHHH. I tried to to blush, and took a step closer to him "Dan i'd love to meet you and the guys for dinner, but how will I know where to meet you?" In that moment I heard Phil shouting on Dan, as him and the others were finished shopping and were ready to leave, Dan qiuckly said "give me your phone", I did as I was instructed and handed over my phone forgetting my lockscreen was a picture of Dan topless. I blushed as his face lite up and he typed his details into my phone.

He raced out he shop briefly shouting "bye GamingGabby" which instantly gave me shiverers. I looked at my phone and there was the new contact 'Dan Howell ;)xx'. At that moment I couldn't contain my inner fangirl any more, I let out a loud shreak, quickly covering my mouth, and running out the door.

Dun dun dun... what happens next. will have to wait and see :)

Hi hope you like it so far, sorry about any spelling and or grammar mistakes i try to correct what i can, but I can't get everything. I know i started off in the present but i think im going to have that a sneak peak and the take it from the flashback onwards.

thanks for reading


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