Edinburgh to London

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Chaper 3, again just a continuation... and sorry it took so long I wanted to uplaod this ages ago but had major writers block. Well hope you enjoy :)

P.O.V Gabby

After being pulled out of the bathroom I just stood in the hall between the beds and the bathroom, blank faced and bright red. I mean what just happened... I couldnt have just kissed Dan Howell no way not me. ME! "Hey Dan can you pinch me please? cause i must be dreaming... that didnt just happen did it?" i randomly blurted out, imediately regreting it as it was the chessest thing i possibly could have said in that moment. Dan turned and smiled at me "um yes Gabby it really just happened!" winking as he said it. OMG the Dan wink... how many times have i seen it in videos. Now its happened twice in the space of 10 minuets to me in real life... this moment couldnt get any better.

Wait it just did... in that moment there was a knock at the door and me being me ran and answered it. The two faces at the door seemed shocked to see me, Pj and Chris were stood staring at me like they'd seen a ghost. "Oh hey Gabby" Chris muttered, "its good to see you again. We though you would have gone home last night?" Pj finished for him. "Hate to break it to you boys but im still here, aparently i fell asleep after you left and well Dan and Phil didnt want to wake me. How nice of them" i shot a look to Dan trying to hint i didnt want them to know what had just happened. All 5 of us hung out in Dan and Phils room for a hour or so before we all decided we were hungry and wanted to go see Edinburgh caslte. Pj and Chris went back to there room to get ready for the day, Phil was already showered and dressed so he decided to go for a wander before we all met in the lobby ready for breakfast. Dan let me shower first and I put my jeans on again and as I was about to put the black blouse back on there was a knock at the bathriim door, "Gabby if you want be be more comfortable today U can lend you a tee shirt and jumper if you want?" for like the fifth time in 24 hours my face burnt a bright red colour as I peeked my head throught the crack in the door and said "thanks that would be so much better than this cringy blouse." I watch as Dan went to the set of drawers and handed me his signature circle shirt and a black jumper. I couldnt believe that of all his tops he would give me this one, i slipped it over my head and put the jumper on and continued to walk out the bathroom to let Dan shower etc.

Half a hour later Dan, Pj, Chris and I were all standing in the lobby waiting on Phil, when from out of no where I heard his voice saying in a sarcastic tone "wow Dan since when were you a 5ft6 ish girl with browny blonde hair and green eyes?" i put on the manliest voice i could do and replied sharply "oh yeh whilst you were out I decided to go for a change. You like the new look?" Instanantiously the five of us burst out laughing, and headed for the door. WHilst waiting on Phil me and the boys had decided to go for breakfast on the Royal Mile in this cute little cafe I used to work in. WHilst walking from the cafe to the castle all five of us walked in a line arms linked and singing 'Toxic' by Briteny Spears. We spent a few hours wandering about the castle grounds doing the normal touristy stuff and well playing hide and seak because we are kids at heart, but before i knew it we were back at the hotel and i was watching them pack up to go home... i felt like crying.Dan looked at me smiling "Gabby thanks so much for today we all had so much fun. Im so glad i knocked you over yesterday, otherwise I... I mean we wouldnt have met you" I looked into his georous brown eyes and smiled " me too Dan, but remember if it wasnt for Phile chasing you it wouldnt have happened so you really should be thanking him." i turned to look at Phil who had now joined me on the bed, I rested my head on his shoulder before saying "I really wish you guys didnt have to leave! The last two days have been amazing and well i just dont want it to end." I let a tear run down my cheek and i watched as Dan walked over and wiped it away. "Gabby dont cry, its not the end of the world we can still talk... and well im gonna need to clothed back so i guess your gonna have to come to us or we can come back up." He shot a smile my way and i looked up at Phil with puppydog eyes "for sure I'd love to show you London and my favourite comicbook shop!" I could feel my inner fangirl coming out when i let out a shreak of happiness, "I'm guess you want to come visit us then?" Dan asked with an excited tone. I jumped up through my arms around his neck and wrapped my legs around his waist, whispered in his ear "of course i want to come visit you... I mean if you really want me to?" his grasp got tighter and i could feel Phil joining the hug "I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship" the boys said in unison before i burst out laughing with the level of chessiness.

A hour later I was standing on the platform at Edinburgh Waverly station waving my new found friends off as their train headed back to London. I missed them so much already, but i didnt have time to be sad as my phone stated buzzing "GABBY WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU? YOU DIDNT COME HOME LASTNIGHT AND ALL DAY IVE BEEN SO WORRIED!!!!" Abby shouted down the phone, turning the heads of the people standing next to me. "Abby dont worry i have been with Dan, Phil, Peej and Chris im safe. I just waved them off and they want me to go to London in a few weeks to see them!" I chatted to my sister on the phone the whole way home and explained everything that happened, she especially freaked when i told her about te kiss but i knew she was super jealous... I would be if I was her!

Nothing much happened for the next few weeks except i had been chatting with all four of the boys via facebook, skype, texting... you know the usual stuff. The exciting part is that they all followed my YouTube channel which brough in hundreds of thousands of new followers and well all my social media has been going mental! It was so weird to think so many people now knew who i was... but i knid of liked it!

The day came and it was finally time for me to go to London.. my first ever visit to the capital and it was to see the fantasticfoursome, I couldnt have been happier. Abby walked me to the station and waved me off just like i did a month and a bit ago to the boys. Five hours later I pulled into charing Cross and rushed of the train ready to find the Dan. He was all I had been thinking about for the last 5 weeks, I couldnt wait to see him again even if it was just as friends.

Through the crowd I could see Phill, Chris and Pj but no Dan. I stopped on the spot and the boys saw me, my face was blank I couldn't breath... i wispered to myself "why isnt he here?" when all of a sudden two arms were wrapped around my waist and i heard that farmiliar voice say "because im right here... were im meant to be." Dan spun me on the spot looked me in the eyes and said "ive missed you... alot!"

Dun dun dun... what happens next who knows! i for sure dont!

Hello again... sorry its been so long been busy with school and life. And well tbh ive written this chapter multiple times and just not liked it.... but i think im finally happy with what happens! Oh and once again sorry for the terible spelling etc.

Next time it should be interesting... new city new friends and a lot of new experiences to come!

thanks for reading


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