First Day Gone Wrong

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Chapter5, Ok last chapter was short and just basically another filler... hoping this to be a bit more exciting! 

P.O.V Gabby 

At this moment in time I wish I had stayed on the floor, curled up in a ball just pretending none of this had just happened. I looked between the boys all four of them stared me down looking for an answer... I didnt know if I should tell the truth and tel them I liked Dan or potentially hurt Dan by lieing?. Why did I let this happen... first day in a new city with my four favouite people and I have already kissed one and freaked the other three out. 

"Ok right Peej I dont know how to explain what you jut saw, and to clarify for Chris and Phil yes I kissed Dan..." I looked into Dan's eyes whilst saying it and heard him mutter "well actually I kissed you!" his arm was still on my shoulder and in this situation it felt like he was protecting me! In the moment I took a step away from Dan his arm floping to his side... he looked at me with pittiful eyes. "Ok look guys I know this is a shock to everyone, its even a shock to me. But it happened so lets get over it... right well I wanna clean myself up before we chill tonight if you dont mind?" I ushered the boys out of my room felling crap closing the door on Dan's sad looking face. I pulled out my phone and immediately texted dan to explain 


Look Dan I dont want this to be complicated cause of our friendship and the boyz! Can we talk later when everyone is gone and phil is asleep? oh and dont react to this


sure dw about it Gab ... I mean I probably shouldnt have done that but I really wanted too! Now hurry up and come down we wanna start the movie... time to cuddle we are watching 'The Decent' just for you ;) 

I flung my joggies and a tank top on and headed down to the lounge to join the guys on the sofa, I sat between Dan and Phil and giggled when I looked over as I could see Pj and Chris cuddled up too... aww I know they are just friends but they are so cute, honestly I know its just cause Chris is a scardy cat and hates Horror movies as much as I do!

*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*FAST FORWARD A FEW HOURS*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*

Peej and Chris had left for the night and Phil had gone to his room to edit his video before going to sleep, it was perfect evryone had left giving me and Dan tome to discus what had happened earlier. I walked with Phil to my room and he went to his own, so nothing looked suspicious, I put my jammie shorts on and my muse teeshirt before heading down the hall to Dan's room so we could talk. 

I knocked on the door before walking in. Dan was sitting on his desk chair, when I came in he spun round and stared into my eyes... it felt like he was looking into my soul! "So Gab care to explain why I was shuved out earlier and left hanging during the film... you snuggled Phil and not me?" he began to shout before lowering his voice so Phil wouldn't hear us. I ignored his questions just standing there looking at him. A tear rolled down my cheek, I fell into his lap snuggling into his warm friendly arms. "Dan I dont know what to say? I have always had a crush on you... even before we met" I looked into is dark chocholate brown eyes, "you have this hold on me and when you kissed me I didnt know what to do or say."   In this moment I could fel my fangirl seeping out all my emotions were spilling out left right and center, Dan looked at me for what felt ike forever before whispering, " Gab what am I going to do with you... all tear soaked and upset?" 

We ended up chatting and randomly browsing his tumblr tag untill 3am when once again i fell asleep in Danisnotonfire's bed cuddled up in his arms, him being shirtless... that bit I didn't mind so much!

About 11 am I woke up to the smell of hot chocholate pancakes wafting above my nose, I opened my eyes to see Phil sitting on the floor of Dan's bedroom with enough food to feed an army. "Hey sleepy heads" he shouted waking Dan up. "ugh Phil, its so early why are you in here...." Dan mummbled whist looking over my shoulder, "ok never mind you brought food!" I turned round so I was facing Dan his arms still tangled round my little body, I lent in and kissed him "Phil..." I asked sweetly "can you give us five minuets then we will come to the living room and we can have a picnic on the floor?"  Grumpily Phil picked up the food and headed towards the living room. 

"Morning beautiful, I tought last night was a one time thing?" Dan questioned me, pulling me in closer. "Dan, I was thinking about it a lot last night when we were talking and I decided, I mean if you want of course, that maybe last nights kiss wasnt such a bad thing after all" his face light up as he jumped out of bed... of course Dan being Dan fell face first. I burst into a fit of laughter and pulled him of the floor, dragging him to the lounge to share the breakfast Phil had so kindly made us all. 

Hey internet friends, its been a while but hope you like the chapter. No idea what is gonna happen next so guess we will all have to wait and see.

Hope you enjoyed, and agian sorry for any gramatical errors and spelling mistakes (some people say lifes a bitch. i say dyslexia is a massive bitch... one i could happily live without but looks like im stuck with her) haha anyways hope you enjoyed and thanks for readng! Until next time you youtubeaholics :p 

thanks for reading 


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