A Day of Laughter and Romance; part1

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Chapter 6 & 7 are going to be under the same title, basically because i have a vague idea for 7 and it just finishes off 6 nicely but i dont want to add it just yet because i want to find a good way to bring in my idea without a weird plot twist! we will wait and see how this goes! Hope you like it and 7 should be up shortly... starting writing it tomorrow hopefully *fingerscrossed*

P.O.V. Gabby

Walking into the living room the sweet smell of pancakes grew stronger and stronger, we walked hand and hand into the room Phil turned to look at us, “so what’s going on here?” he asked like is sleeping morning voice. I looked between Dan and Phil smiling at them both before saying “um I’m not sure Philly, we haven’t exactly talked about it yet… all I know is I like Dan” I looked into his deep brown eyes, noticing his dimples were showing.

 We all sat down and stuff our faces with pancakes and fruit and everything else we had in the fridge, I don’t know how we managed it but we may have literally emptied the flat of all it’s food. I stood up before announcing “I’m gonna take a shower and I know the bathroom lock is broke… so NO PEEKING or I’ll get you” I said with a cheeky little grin before skipping back to the spare room to get my shower stuff and clothes for the day. I climbed into the shower and turned it on letting the warm water trickle down my back before running the water through my hair, lathering it with soap, which smelt of summer berries… only if it was edible. When I was finally finished in the shower I grabbed my clothes… which Abby insisted that I buy for coming down here, I mean yeh I liked them but I felt like such a girl. I put my tights and a tight ish black t-shirt on, and tucked it into my new bright pink skater skirt before toping it off with my new Doc’s (yellow with a flowery print on them)… I died when I found them, I couldn’t not have them I don’t care what people say!!!

 I walked back into the living room just expecting it to be Dan and Phil, I was wrong! Whist I had been getting ready Peej and Chris had turned up ready for todays adventure. I looked around not really knowing what to do, I didn’t know if Dan had told the others about us kissing again, I nervously walked over and sat on the red beanbag that dominated the floor space between the coffee table and the fire place. “Wow Gabby you look… well wow” I blushed at Chris’s remark noticing the quite annoyed look that Dan seemed to be showing, “So MY boyz” I sarcastically muttered “what are we doing today… I mean first time in the capital and I’m with my best boys so any ideas?”

 After about 2 full minuets of silence and all four boys staring at me, I couldn’t take the awkwardness anymore “HELLO earth to Dan, Phil, Chris and Peej… I am a girl I can wear cute clothes! Please get over this fact and stop staring at me like I’m a Pokémon card that you all need to complete you deck” I rolled my eyes before Phil announced “Sorry Gab we just aren’t used to seeing you like this” Peej finished for him “yeh, exactly we normally see you in skinnies and baggy t-shirts, well except from the first night we hung out but anyway why don’t you wear this sort of stuff more often?” again I found myself blushing… id never had a boy tell me anything like this “um I guess I just don’t really like my figure all that much, like ok im thin but like I always just feel like a pubescent boy…. You guys wouldn’t understand, plus I have never really had clothes like this but Abbs forced me to buy them.” I looked at Phil to see him staring right back at me “well I for one think you look beautiful and you should wear whatever you like… but you do really suit this its feminine yet edgy” he said with his cute chirpy northern English accent that I adored.

 After out discussion about my ‘new’ look we decided to go to town and do some shopping and get some food, we headed to the tube, I skipped along hand in hand with Phil whist the others scuttled along behind us.

P.O.V Dan

Walking along to the tube station I couldn’t help but think how pretty Gab looked, and how happy she’d been since being here! I know she told me last night that she had a crush on me, but I was seriously beginning to doubt it… I mean how can a girl that amazing, beautiful and intelligent like me! I’m just plain old Dan Howell. I kept replaying the moment where she walked into the living room in my head, wondering what my face would have looked like, and I kept thinking about what the guys had said… I don’t want them thinking what they said. What if she chose Peej, or Chris or even worse Phil over me? Gab is the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen, those pale green eyes and just everything about her. I know I don’t know her all that well but I think I’m falling for her! Oh shit I’m falling for my best friend.

 Whist she skipped along with Phil she kept looking over her shoulder and smiling at me… I could feel my face burning a bright crimson colour. When we got to the tube station we jumped on the train; which was packed full of people. We all fought for the three free seats, in the end Chris, Phil and I got the seats lucky for me Gab decided to sit on my knee…  and after lots of debate Pj sat on Chris’s knee which made us all laugh so hard.

 “So Gab, where in this wonderful city do you wanna see first?” I said wrapping my arms around her small and fragile waste.

“Well Daniel” she said turning herself so she was now facing me “I would really like to go to TopShop… now that I know y’all like my new look I wanna get more new clothes… plus when I was in the other day, back at home I was a top that would suit Phil perfectly” she said with a massive smile on her face and lightly punching his arm.

 We had finally got to our stop and Gab got off my knee and headed for the train door, I still couldn’t take my eyes off her. Her light brown/blonde hair was swaying around as she skipped about waiting for the rest of us on the platform. Like Phil, and me, Gab had an ‘emo’ fringe, but hers was more girly like a side fringe kinda thing. It framed her face perfectly, making her look even more beautiful. I walked over to her side she grabbed my hand and dragged me off into the crowd the others quickly following behind, we got to the street and headed towards TopShop.

 When we got there Chris, Phil and Pj all went off to the male section, whilst Gab insisted I stay with her to help carry things and give a second opinion. After about three ours of shopping with Gab I had realised that we totally forgot about the others… I took my phone out to call Phil. “Hey Phil, where are you guys… Gab and me got a little lost in our own thing! Sorry” I said with a smile on my face actually loving that it was just Gab and I. “Shit sorry Dan me and the guys left town a while ago we went and got food and then headed back to Peej’s flat… I’m staying the night so its just you and Gab at home ok?” “Yeh mate that’s ok I guess we will head home and finds some way to amuse ourselves” I winked thinking he could see me… well done Dan.

 “Gab you ready to go? Phil and the guys went back to Pj’s so its just me and you tonight I thought we could get a takeaway or something later and then you can give me a wee fashion show of all your new stuff?” I said grabbing her hand dragging her in the direction of the station. “Sure Dan, but only if you do the same… K?” I agreed and we headed back to the house.

 OMG yes whole night just her and me… I hope she can see how much alike her and I can get to know her better!

Chapeter 7 is gonna continue what happens… I just didn’t want to over load you with random jibber jabber! Hope you enjoyed and come back to read more! Honestly I’m not sure what’s going to happen next this is as much as a surprise for y’all as it is for me… have a few ideas but dunno how to go with it… however I promise Pie114Chocho that Gab wont get pregnant and have to chose her life or the babies (hahaha awkward when she doesn’t read this bit: p)

 Thanks for reading


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⏰ Última atualização: Mar 22, 2014 ⏰

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